1.05. Liar Liar Pants On Fire

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Chapter Five

After thinking a little more, I realized I was blowing the situation out of proportions. I didn't need to do anything to Drew at the moment: one phone call with Jacob didn't mean we were dating, or that I was cheating.

Dreamily, I rolled off the bed and started downstairs, but paused when I heard a door slam. It was 5:30pm, according to my phone, so it was probably just my dad coming home from work. Just in case, I backed up and hid inside my doorway, just out of sight.

"I know, we haven't seen each other in a week," my dad said, and I heard him throw his car keys on the counter. Who was he talking to?

There was silence for a minute.



"Elizabeth has a double shift tonight, so I'll be on my way in ten," My dad explained.

"Yeah, I don't think Maddy's inside right now, I'll make sure to cover up my tracks."

Uh, did he not see my car parked outside?

"It'll be just you and me," he chuckled before saying goodbye.

A sick feeling washed over me, and I shut my eyes, resting my head on the door frame. This all felt like a dream, but not a good one. This was a nightmare.

Why should I be worried about cheating on Drew when my dad was having an affair?

* * * * *

At school the next day, I couldn't take my mind off what had happened the night before, with my dad. I had no idea what to do: should I tell my mom, or confront my dad? Maybe do nothing at all?

Anyways, you could say I was a little sidetracked, and Lilly noticed.

I felt a nudge on my arm and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I grunted.

"What's up?" Lilly asked.

"Thinking," I muttered.

"Wow, that's new," Lilly scoffed, and I became irritated.

"Lilly, I don't need this right now, of all times," I snapped, and returned my attention to the front of the room.

Lilly just cleared her throat.

Fifteen minutes later, the dismissal bell rang, and I scooped up my books and hurried out into the hall.

Turning left towards my locked, I was about to pick up the pace when I collided with a body, knocking me backwards onto my butt.

"ooof!" I grunted, my palms smacking the tile below as I caught myself.

"Watch it," A voice snapped, and I peered up.


He glared down at me, his eyes full of anger and a bit of sadness. After a couple of seconds, one of his friends tugged at his jacket, and he stumbled off past me down the hall.

Dazed, I stood up and brushed myself off. A small group of students had gathered, but now they were muttering and whispering as they split up.

" 'Scuse me," I mumbled, keeping my head low as I shoved my way through the crowd and off to my locker.

* * * * *

That night at dinner, I sat in silence, picking at my pot roast and steamed vegetables while my parents chatted.

"George, do you think you could make it home earlier tomorrow? I'm preparing a recipe that has a few hours of cooking required and I could use some help," Mom explained, stabbing a carrot with her fork.

"I can try, honey, but we're setting up for a retirement party after work tomorrow, and I'm head decorator," Dad said.


"Oh, why haven't I heard about this before? Who's retiring?" Mom question, and I caught Dad's hand twitch where it was resting on the table.

"Um, Barbara Jean Thomas, she's one of the receptionists," Dad answered, and Mom nodded her head.

"But I'm sure Maddy would love to hel-"

"May I be excused?" I interrupted, letting my fork clatter down on my plate. My parents just stared at me for a few seconds.

"Sure," Dad muttered, and I pushed away from the table and padded up to my room.

Once I was in my room, I shut the door quietly and speed-dialed my dad's work place. After a couple rings, someone picked up.

"Hello?" A voice asked, definitely not an old woman. This person sounded to be in her twenties.

"Hi, um, I'm from the catering business that'll be providing food for the retirement party tomorrow, and I just have a question," I explained.

"Retirement party? For whom?" The woman asked.

"Barbara Jean Thomas," I told her.

"Ms. Thomas retired three years ago, and she hasn't been to this office ever since. Are you sure you have the right name?" She asked.

"Positive. Is there any other retirement event happening tomorrow?" I picked at the him of my shirt, anticipating the answer.

"No ma'am," She said with sigh. I quickly thanked her and hung up.

That was exactly what I thought she would say.

Laying back on my pillow, I scrolled through my Twitter, my eyes staring blankly at the screen.

I composed a new tweet and typed a simple ':(' before hitting 'Tweet'. With a groan, I tossed my phone to the side and shut my eyes. What I'd give to be in anyone else's shoes.

I felt myself growing tired, so I tried to relax. Resting my hands on my stomach, I closed my eyes and took slow, calming breaths.



My phone startled me and I bolted up. I'd only been asleep for two minutes. Flipping my phone over on the bed, I blinked in disbelief at what the screen said.

'Jacob :* would like to FaceTime'

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