Chapter 13

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Liana's POV

I wake up on my bed, still in my clothes from yesterday. I go about my buisness as i normally would. Get dressed, brushing my teeth, and tidying up the room. While im in the middle of cleaning up i remember that im at Avery and Tom's house. That im living in the same house as Nick.

Ughh why is everything in my life so complected!!

I make my way to the kitchen and start to make breakfast for me and me alone. I also set up a pot of water for some tea. 

I finish making my eggs and toast, and a nice cup of tea too, and i head to the dining table. I sit down and eat. 

As im randomly looking at stuff on Instagram, i hear Nicks door open. I hold back the urge to get up and hug him good morning. He's the one who cheated on you. Its all HIS fault. 

I start eating again. 

I hear him walk in behind me and past me to sit in front of me. He sits and i looks back at my phone. 

He eats a bowl of cereal....I thought he hates cereal? Ugh just another thing to put on my chart of 'things he's lied to me about'

"so liana..." he says breaking the silence

"what?" i bite out. 

His eyes widen at my hostility " um i was just wondering um why are you mad at me? What did i do?" 

I look into his eyes and see confusion and hurt 

dont let him play you like that

I get up and rush away, trying not to let the tears fall as the memories resurface. I drop my dishes in the sink, they clatter and drown out my small sobs. 

Youre not as strong as you think you are. Youre weak, pathetic, no wonder he was with her and not you. Shes so much better than you can ever be

I stand there, hands on the edge of the sink, and sob quietly.

Im so consumed in my own thoughts that i dont feel a pair of arms wrap around me, i dont register the soft and reassuring words being whispered to me softly, i dont feel myself being picked up. All i so is cry, cry out all the pain ive been feeling. All the hurt. I... i was in love with him. No i am in love with him and no matter how many times im hurt it wont change and that hurts even more.

I slowly stop crying and realize we're on the couch and that ive been crying into nicks shoulder. I look up from the patch of wet i made on his shirt and into his eyes. They are clouded with worry. 

I take a deep breath and then shakily i say softly "well um i forgot my sweater at your apartment the day i was supposed to leave so i went to go get it and then Brittany answered the door and told me you guys were together and hadnt even broken up which i didnt believe until i heard you yell from inside at her asking when she was coming back to bed and thats when i realized she wasnt lying so i left on an earlier flight to the wedding and i thought it over, even though im in so so much pain right now i will never stop loving you. Yes im in love with you and i cant help it and.." im cut off by his lips on mine in a soft yet passionate kiss

He pulls away to soon for my liking. 

He smiles and laughs a little before he says " lia, i was letting brittany stay in my apartment. I told her she coud bring anyone she wanted, because i was out with Tom. We were having a mini bachelor party for him which consisted of drink way to much in a fancy hotel room and laughing at stupid hid shows. I did in fact break up with her she just refused to believe me and finally" he kisses me softly again " i love you too" 

He winks which causes me to blush. I realize that im on his lap and slowly scoot off. 

"so does that mean everythings good with us now?

 he asks cautiously  

"um' i bite my lip and look down. "yes. everything is fine between us" i look back up at him and smile. 

I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist and i hug him, never wanting to let go.

I think i was mistaken, the weeks we are going to spend here are not going to end up so bad after all

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