Chapter 2

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"Kath?" Sam said with a questioning tone.

"Hi, Sam." I smiled. He smiled back at me and ran down the rest of the stairs all the way to me. He looked at me for a few seconds, the suddenly just hugged me.

"Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been?" Sam asked. It was a little bit hard for me to speak because he was hugging me a little bit too tight.

"I've been better... but I'm happy to be reunited with you and Kian." I replied.

Kian ruined the moment I was enjoying. "Yo, Sam. Give Trevor a chance to say hi to Kath also," Kian chuckled. I let go of Sam and looked up to Trevor, still at the middle of the stairs. I gave him a genuine smile.

"Hi, I'm Kathaida. It's nice to meet y--" I managed to say while waving but Trevor managed to cut me off.

"I'm Trevor," he said coldly, turning around and going back up the stairs.

I waited until I heard a door close to say, "Well then. What's his problem?" Looking at the rest of the boys.

"Honestly, I don't know. I don't think anyone knows. He's usually bubbly and fun the second you meet him, not all rude like that," Ricky explained.

"Just give it some time," Connor added. 

I nodded. Yeah, I guess I'll do that. Give it some time. But I can't help but wonder, what did I do? Is he on his man-period or something? Like seriously, who twisted his panties? I know it's immature to say things like that, but, I just don't like it when people don't like me. Especially when they I can't think or a reason why.

"Hey Kian, can I show Kathaida her room?" Sam asked.

"Yeah sure, go for it," Kian replied. Sam took all my bags and shook his head a little bit to the side, signifying me to follow him.

We got to the room and Sam put my stuff down. I looked around to see that the room was very spacious. I also had my own bathroom. The room had tan collored walls with wooden-vintage furniture. The bed was a full size, with plain white bed sheets. This is acually some place I could imagine living in for a while.

"So how do you like the room?" Sam asked.

"I could get used to this." I laughed. I really hope I could fit in here. But I shouldn't worry, everyone here is pretty nice. Well, everyone but Trevor. I sill can't figure out what his problem is.

I was just sitting awkwardly while Sam was standing. He looked around the room and noticed something with my bags.

"Wow, you have a nice camera! What do you use it for?" Sam asked.

"Well since it is a camera, I use it to take pictures and capture memorable moments I guess?" I replied.

"I know that, but why? Are you into photography? Or do you just use it to take unproffesional pictures like the basic person you are?" Sam sassed back at me, trying to sound all ghetto. That just made me burst into laughter. I have nothing against gays, but it's just so funny how he could act gay so well.

"Haha oh my god!" I tried breathing steadily, but it took me a while to because I was having a laughing attack. "Sam, you are so gay." He just smiled back at me all cutely. Now I remember why I first had a crush on him. He was so cute, and still is. He would also be able to make me laugh even when I'm at my saltiest mood.

"Actually, I do make youtube videos like you guys. But I'm not even that good at making them, so," I just ended my sentence there.

"Really? You have to show me! And we need to make some videos together! Maybe I could help you edit them! Have some Kasama time!" Sam said a little bit to excitedly.

"Kasama time?" I chuckled.

"Yeah! It's our ship name," Sam said while wiggling his eyebrows like a perverted maniac. I just giggled while shaking my head.

"Haha sure, I'd like that. But for now, I think I'm gonna hit the hay. I've had a pretty long day. Hey haha that rhymed!" I laughed.

"Yeah, get some rest. If you need us, we'll all be upstairs since Trevor and I are staying the whole week. Have a good beauty sleep, not that you need it," Sam winked and closed the door.

Oh my god that was so cute.

Short chapter )): I HAVENT UPDATED IN AGES UGH. I was focusing on school since I'm a freshman now, so I couldn't update. This chapter was supposed to be longer, but my computer shut off and it didn't save ANYTHING, so I lost the motivation to write. I won't be writing for this book for a while, so goodbye for now )): I WILL however write someday, just not anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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