Chapter 5~Dealing with the Pain and The Plan

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Trent's POV

It's been two days since Gwen and I have broken up. All I've been doing is isolating myself away from everyone else. Working on my music, keeping my thoughts locked up and just relaxing. It took me a while to come to this decision at first I wanted to pound Duncan until he was out cold again then beg Gwen to give me a second chance, but that didn't seem wise.

So I decided just to keep to myself and I would never interact until I got off this damn island.

At that moment there was a very confident knock at the door. I groaned. Ew, people.

"Come in, I guess." I said slightly annoyed. Someone just disturbed my peace and thoughts.

A sleek, beautiful figure walked through my door.

Her hair was straight and beautiful. It looked so soft and flowing. Her smile looked pleased to see me but her eyes determined.

I didn't know why but I was glad to see her.

"Trent." she said softly.

She came and sat down beside me on my bed.

"Have you finally stopped that awful crying of yours. I hate when you get upset, honestly I like it when your happy and smiling." she said smiling at me.

I smiled for her.

''I'm happy now.'' I said.

"Good." she said.

"Trent, the reason I came here was because I had a simple idea. It will benefit the both of us." she said.

I was intrigued. "I'm listening,"

"Well, sometimes, to get back at an ex, someone would date someone that would make the ex jealous." she said.

A lightbulb flickered in my mind.

Heather's POV

Hmph. You were obviously wondering and guessing who this beautiful person was that Trent described. Well obviously I am the prettiest girl on camp so yes, it was me. My figure, my hair, my plan.

The plan was not made so Trent would get back at Gwen. It was for me to get attention from Duncan. I mean all boys want what they can't have.

Fake dating Trent wouldn't so horrible I mean it would be worth the reward afterwards.

You've probably gathered that Trent and I are actually closer than most people believe. He sent me to check on Gwen and Duncan, idk why. Probably to make sure they weren't making out or something. I wouldn't voluntarily check up on Gwen, ew. Duncan? Probably without hesitation or second thought.

I was kinda the one to get him to not lie in bed everyday weeping like a loser. I was kinda the one to idk make him smile again almost? Hmph sounds too mushy, forget I just said that.

"Heather that actually sounds like a good plan. Do you really think she will get jealous?" he said in excitement.

"Well how could she not? I'm Heather."

Trent laughed and put his arm around me.

"Oh fake girlfriend you do make me laugh." he said sighing after his laughter.

Hmmm fake girlfriend. I could used to that.

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