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[  Daffodil symbolizes regard and chivalry. It is indicative of rebirth, new beginnings, and eternal life. It also symbolizes unrequited love. A single daffodil foretells a misfortune while a bunch of daffodils indicate joy and happiness. ] 

Summer break is only a step away and Eren feels like he might puke. No, not from the heat, but the thought of how he's going to confess his undying love for Levi. Well, no, not „undying", maybe just a huge fucking crush, yes.

So, right now, Eren Yeager – is standing in front of the biology classroom. This is the room where Levi is going to have a class at – to be completely honest, this room is full of disgusting stuffed animals, real animals, for fuck's sake...

Or biology's sake? Whatever.

„Get your shit together..." The soft murmur of the brunet could be heard. His chest heaved with each deep breath he took. Different scenarios played through his mind.
He imagined Levi immediately showering him with kisses (who was he kidding, really?), him telling Eren that he liked him as well (as if).
But then there are the other options...what if Levi just freaking punches him?

'Excuse me, but I really like my face as it is, thanks, no thanks.' he thought bitterly.
And so, decided to get it over with and knocked on the door. It would be quite weird if he just randomly marched in there, no?

Not long after a familiar brunette opened the door – Hanji Zoe. Known to be the craziest – yet friendliest genius (still doubting that one) person alive, who is basically a human cockroach. You could squash her with a bus and still pester you with her annoying questions.

Her voice is actually much nicer than you would think, even if it was used for making someone kill themselves mentally.
„Hey there, Sweetie pie! What can I do for you? Oh gee, your eyes are still as pretty as ever! You gotta let me do some research on them once!" was the first thing that welcomed him as the door opened.

„Hello, Hanji" Eren started „Actually, I was wondering if Levi was here? I have to talk to him about something."

Her brown eyes glinted in the light. „I see!" She turned back and waved. Probably waved Levi over.

Light footsteps were heard and a tall black haired boy (young man, actually) appeared in the doorway. His silver eyes ran up and down the shorter brunet's body before meeting his mismatched ones.

„Hey, Eren. Wanted something?" his deep voice reached Eren's ears and he felt like he might faint.

His voice came out just a tad bit higher than intended. „Yeah. I was wondering if we could talk in ah, private?"

A pale hand scratched the back of Levi's neck. He sighed. „Okay, sure. Let's just make this quick."
So now they were both standing in the hallway, awkwardly staring at each other.

Levi huffed and sighed. „Can you just spit it out?" Completely oblivious to the fact that Eren was having inner battles, he glared into the air.

Now don't get him wrong. He didn't hate the kid, he just...didn't know him well enough to actually care for him?

The light pink blush on Eren's cheek spread down onto his neck. He licked his lips, noticing them becoming too dry.

„So uh, I mean...I was wondering if you wanted to go and see a movie with me, or something this weekend.." His voice was quiet as if he feared something.

The silence that followed seemed to stretch into forever was broken by the throat clearing Levi did with a cough.
„Don't get me wrong, Eren. You seem like a good kid, and all, but well, you're not exactly my type," he said, at last.

„Wha..." Eren couldn't even manage to get out that one word before he was feeling hot tears prickling the back of his eyes. „What do you mean?"

He already had an idea, though.

Even if Levi's face was blank, Eren could see that the boy was actually a bit ashamed to admit what he thought.

„Nothing really. I mean, I just can't see myself with someone who uh.." he trailed off.

„Someone who what, Levi?" Eren insisted.

„Tch. I just can't see myself with someone who I could not carry upstairs because they are so fucking fat. Or someone who would order themselves three different meals just for lunch." his voice was aggressive. Perhaps he should have left it at that. „Honestly, brat. What the actual fuck – just no. Ew."

His silver eyes glinted with something similar to regret not a moment later. His mouth opened as if he wanted to say something, then closed.

He stretched out his pale hand to touch Eren's shoulder. „Gosh...Eren, I'm sorry, I didn't – I mean..."

The brunet flinched away from the hand and took a shaky breath that made Levi feel even more like a piece of shit than before.

Eren looked up, and Levi took in the sight of those lovely mismatched eyes filled with tears because of him.

„Alright - that's cool" Eren started „I uhm...I kind of have to go, though. I'll probably see you around later, yeah? Yeah. Cool. See you around, I guess."

His voice was small and so, so quiet. He turned around, and the only sounds beside his quiet steps were the breathy sobs that shook his small body. Eren's form vanished behind the door of the chemistry classroom.

„Wow, Levi. You completely fucked up."

„Shut the fuck up, Hanji."


The door to a huge house opened, and Eren ran inside, leaving his bag by the door, kicking his shoes off and leaving them scattered on the floor made his way up to his bedroom, completely ignoring his mother who was looking after him in confusion.

The brunet plopped down on his bed, taking out his phone, and started scrolling through his different social media sites.

Not much later he could hear his mother's soft steps reaching his room's door. A light knock resonated through the door, and he hummed a bit as if to let his mom know that she could enter.

Carla's head popped up from behind the door, a soft concerned look was etched onto her face. She slipped in, and gently closed the entrance. In her hand was Eren's favorite dish – lasagna.
She slowly sat down next to Eren on the bed, and let one of her hands stroke his back.

„Eren, hun. Hey. What happened? You seem...off."

Truth to be told, Carla was not perfect. Yes, she was kind. She could cook brilliantly and was always patient. She always knew if something was up with either her husband or son.
But she was perfect for Eren and Grisha.

So right now, knowing that at least one person cared was the one thing Eren wanted the most.

And so, he spilled the beans. He told his mother what happened that day, him confessing to his longtime crush, getting rejected, and having a shitty time after that.

Carla listened to every sorrowful word his son had to speak, feeling her heart break for her baby boy. She took a deep breath, and gripped her son's hands, and spoke up.

„Don't worry, Eren. We're going to show him what he's missing out on. Got it?"

Mama bear mode: On.

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