~Chapter 1 (Prolouge)~

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Anne's POV

"Your Majesty, you've given birth to 2 children, sadly one is a runt." the doctor said.

There were 2 beautiful children before my eyes. A girl and a boy. The boy was a runt, born malnourished. The girl had 2 light brown ears and a matching tail. Her eyes were as blue as gems. The boy was very small. His ears were snow white and his tail matched. His bright green eyes took up most of his face.

"Gemma for the girl, Harry for the boy." I told the doctor. She nodded and scribbled it down for a file. A man then walked in. "Hello Richard, this is little Harry." the doctor told him. I studied him quietly. He was very handsome. He had tan skin, blond hair, and striking blue eyes. He handed me a card. It was a simple white card with black writing. It said:

'Buying and selling unwanted hybrid children.'

A number was on the back. '954-702-6677'. (AN: I made this number up, but if you want you can call it to see who answers. I didn't have the guts to do it myself. :) he he) "Is he going to be safe?" I asked nervously. Richard chuckled. "Your Majesty, we are #1 in our business! He will be cared for especially since he is of royal blood. You can even call in to check on him!" Richard said, oddly excited. I smiled and he politely smiled back. I nodded to the doctor. She slowly and carefully handed Harry to Richard. "Call me later." he mouthed. I nodded again. He bowed slightly and left the room. Little did I know that giving Harry up would be the best and worst thing that ever happened to him.

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