~Chapter 2 (Finally)~

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Harry's POV

        I am Harry. No last name. I was born a runt so I had to be put into adoption for for humans. I am 13 and the size of a 1 year-old. I am kept with the babies who think I'm a loser. Most of them are potty-trained so they all laugh when I have to be changed. The guards don't really like me, they make me sleep in a baby crib, wear onsies, and drink out of a bottle. They also make me suck a dummy. I don't really mind it though.

        "Hey baby, I can smell your mess all the way from over here!" A 5 year-old kitten named Zach taunted me. Oh, one more thing, I have a shock collar, meaning I can't talk or I get jolts of electricity sent through my entire body. Let me tell you, it hurts. I wanted to spit out my dummy and back-talk him, but I just let fat tears roll down my face. Zach laughed at me. "Hey Josh! Baby Harry messed and it's stinkin' up the whole place!" Zach yelled to the guard. Josh came to our pen and came inside with my changing bag. He set down my changing mat and laid me down on it. I squirmed and he gave me a warning swat on my bum. "Today celebrities are coming in to adopt so you better be on your best behavior." he told me as he changed me in front of everyone. The boys were laughing and pointing and so were the girls. Josh left me in just my nappy and set me in my bouncer. "Take a nap Harry, they will be here soon." Josh told me. I nodded and fell asleep.

        I woke up to someone changing me. I opened my eyes to see someone I didn't recognize. It certainly wasn't Josh. "Oh! Hello baby! I'm Louis, that's Niall, he's Liam, and the guy making your bottle is Zayn!" he said. I smiled and sucked my dummy. "Why don't you talk baby?" Louis asked me. I went to put my hands on my collar only to find it was gone. "That silly thing? Since we are adopting you, we got rid of it! Can you talk for me?" Louis asked. "H-hewwo!" I said. "Can you say your name?" Louis asked. "H-hawwy!" I said. "Good job!" Louis said as he smiled. The guy named Zayn came over. "Come on, time for a bottle then we are going home!" he told me. I let Zayn feed me and then Niall picked me up and took me outside. There were lots of people with bright cameras out there. It hurt my ears and eyes. I started crying, "Guys! Please don't yell and take pictures. This is Harry and it hurts his ears and eyes!" Liam said. The flashes went away and I looked up. Everyone awwed. Niall took me to a very long car (a limo). I saw a man loading all my stuff into a different car. it was big and had lots of windows (the boy's tour bus). I was buckled into a seat and I fell asleep wondering what my new life will be like.

AN: Sorry about the end... I'm lazy give me a break...



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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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