Chapter 17: Evil Letters? Ninjas? Wow, so cool!

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Author's Note: This is my birthday present to you guys XD I laughed at rereading this. 


Zayn’s POV


“AVENGER, KILL IT NOW!” Liam was shooting at the giant cockroach alien with his signature green tech, but it slowly scuttled towards us, its sharp pincers gleaming in the light.


Sword in my right hand, I charged at the alien and leaped. Angling my body so I would spin easily, I swung my sword at the alien as I let the weight of it spin my body and hit the alien several times. As I landed, I could hear the squeals of pain from the alien as it died in a sticky brown mess until only its shell was left.


“Did we kill it Gecko?” Niall came over with his huge load of guns and looked at Liam.


“Of course we did Gemini.” Louis slapped him on the back. “Urgh, cockroach guts. OI SLOTH CHECK OUT THE MESS THAT ALIEN MADE!”


Harry slowly shuffled over. “Eurgh… That… is… revolting.” He wrinkled his nose.


I rolled my eyes at them and hit the sapphire in the hilt of my sword, transforming it back to the small blue gem. “Stop staring at the alien. We need to report back.”


Liam looked up. “Yeah, of course, Avenger. Should we take the alien shell to the lab?”


“No. It’s fine, just a normal Class B.”


“Hey guys! I found something!” Niall yelled. We ran to find him in an alleyway. A black thing was lying on the ground and didn’t move when Niall nudged it with his machine gun. Yes, he had a machine gun, and no, I doubted he was going to shoot us.


“I think it’s an alien.” Liam knelt and examined the body. It was still breathing, but its breaths were in short pants and wheezes.


“If it’s an alien, then kill it.” I was about to turn away when I spotted something.


“What is it?” Louis saw me tense up.


“F*cking *sshole.” I knelt down and picked up several black metallic feathers. I didn’t have to think to figure out who it was.


“How long ago was this?” Niall looked curiously.


Liam whipped out a scanner. “Seems to be only from a few minutes a-”


Before he could finish his sentence, I leaped into the air and jumped on trashcans until I reached the rooftop. The trail was still fresh, so if I could find that alien, it would be perfect.


“Avenger? Where are you-”


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