Ethan G. Dolan

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The sheets wrapped tightly around my body felt like I was suffocating. My palms, forehead and neck were dripping with condensation, my heart rate bursting through the roof and I did nothing but stare at the darkness of the ceiling as flashbacks of my past relationship ran through my mind. It was unfair, it was cruel that I still thought about someone who treated me horribly whilst the man of my dream lies peacefully adjacent to me. I pulled myself up to a seated position and stared blankly ahead until it all came crashing down on me; I couldn't help but tear up, and doing so I had to carefully clutch one hand over my mouth to stifle any whimper or sniffles from escaping.

He was malicious, he is the reason I am unable to give Ethan all my love. He broke my spirit, my belief in love, my faith in happiness and my heart. But mostly my heart.

My mind wondered off into the past and it left me broken, I was lied to, I was most probably deceived by him and I was ignored for almost two years in a relationship.

"Baby?" I heard a low whisper from beside me,

I wasn't able to answer; I couldn't. My throat had gone dry and my words were muffled by my constant sobbing, I was out of breath.

"Oh no, no, baby talk to me." He was concerned as soon as he noticed the tears streaming down my cheeks through the light shade rays of the moon peeking through our shared bedroom.

"Hey," he whispered "talk to me, I'm here" he engulfed me in a loving rapture.

"Is this about your past relationship?" He frowned,

I couldn't answer but simply nod in response.

"Listen," he placed his hand on the left side of my chest where my heart was beating uncontrollably fast, "You see this heart? This heart is mine now, I know it's a little broken but it's still beating and it's still good enough for me, it's still the heart that I deserve and it is still the heart I want to give all my love to. You've told me your fears and I will not use them against you like he did, I know promises mean the world to you and I will spend everyday proving that to you by keeping my word. I am not him, I will never be him, I will protect what's left of your heart and each day I will piece it back together even if it means taking pieces of mine to fit the cracks of yours. I know you can love me, I know your heart is still capable of loving and I believe you still have faith in love. It doesn't matter if I spend a lifetime proving this to you but as long as your beautiful heart stays mine. I love you with every being in me. I've never met someone courageous, beautiful, intelligent and passionate like I've known you and that's what I admire about you, how kind you are and how you show love to everyone without even noticing it and just your beautiful brown eyes light up whenever you see someone smile. That beautiful heart and kind of yours, I'm glad it's mine." He took my hands and placed it on his chest, his heart beating as fast as mine, "My heart is yours to keep." Through my weary eyes I could see his hazel eyes glistening with tears forming and I can tell that he's never been in love before and so I never intend on breaking him.

"I'm yours." My voice cracking slightly, "I love you and I swear to god you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, I love you Ethan Grant Dolan." Both leaning in for a loving kiss and a sweet hug before we sunk back into the bed, his hand placed on my stomach pulling me closer into him as we both felt the darkness take over and sinking into the inevitable slumber awaiting.

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