E&G| X

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WARNING: Extreme mature content is expected in the paragraphs written below. Read at your own risk as I've said before; this does not portray the twins whatsoever and any offense taken can be resolved by simply not reading the content below.

SECOND WARNING: The following paragraph  includes content that may be sensitive to readers. NOH8

The slight breeze cooled down the room as it passed by our parted curtains leaving a perfect view of the full moon- its rays peeked through mine and Ethan's shared bedroom. At this point in time he and I laid lazily in bed as we caught up to the last season of our favorite series.

"Hmm" I mumbled against his smooth chest

"Was a great episode, although I do not appreciate the agonizing cliffhanger" he giggled and planted a kiss unto my forehead.

"Bedtime?" He suggested

"Yes baby..." I continued, "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, baby, you can ask me anything" he smiled sincerely

This might be a question that could most probably ruin the relationship Ethan and I have had for a year now, but I've always been quite curious to know whether he would be up for it.

"I.. I can't ask" I smiled sheepishly

"How bad is it?" His face clear off any expression which made my nerves run a little uneasy.

"Well, would you ever consider a threesome?" I shuffled uncomfortably beneath the crisp duvet

"That depends" his eyes squinted in curiosity

"With Gray and I?" I said a little lower

"Wait, what? Grayson?" He seemed a little nervous

"I knew I shouldn't have overstepped my boundaries."

With no other word being shared between us he laid there in seated position as I turned my back towards him and sunk back into our bed; after what seemed to have been about five minutes, I heard the laptop being shut and the sheets shuffling as I assumed Ethan had gone to sleep as well. My eyes shut as I hoped tomorrow he would forget this conversation had ever happened.

Sleep continued to elude me at this hour and so I decided on slipping out of bed carefully and slowly not to wake Ethan up as I tip-toed towards the kitchen. I pulled out a small pack of cookies I had planned on having since before and a warm glass of milk alongside it. The door quietly shut within the hallway but since the silence in the air was deafening then a simple sound would obviously be heard, I stretched my neck out from the doorway to get a quick peek of whom it might have been- my guess is either Grayson or Ethan since we were the only ones who were home at this hour. Grayson walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but his briefs; his bare back and bare chest were perfectly built and toned.

"Hey, what're you doing up at this hour?" He whispered

"I couldn't sleep especially not after-" I cut myself off as I figured it would be extremely difficult to explain the conversation to Grayson since it had involved him as well.

"Not after? After what?" He asked curious as he dug into my pack of cookies

"I had an awkward conversation with Ethan and it didn't go so well, as I presumed" I shrugged.

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