Chapter Seven

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•Mason's POV•

As we were walking to class girls stared at Veronica with envy and boys with lust. I growled. My wolf was trying to break free to show these pathetic humans that the gorgeous woman beside me is mine.

Other werewolves knew not to look at my mate like that because it was a sign of disrespect to their Alpha and Luna. They knew Veronica was their Luna by how I was acting. Everyone in the pack knew I was waiting for my mate and only her. They knew I have never acted towards another female in a romantic way.

Even female humans didn't try anything with me because they knew it was no use. They could stare but we all knew it was a waste of time.

Out of no where my mate taps my chest. I immediately turn to look at her. Was she hurt?!

"Yes? Are you okay?" I check to see if she is fine but while I'm doing so I can't help but get distracted by my mates curvy body. Only I could look at her. My wolf was trying to break free so he could claim her but right now was not the time. I heard a gentle voice interrupt my internal battle.

"Yeah I'm fine I was just gonna ask if you were alright. You looked angry and you kind of um just kept on pressing me more into you with your arm on my shoulders."

"Those guys keep on staring at you." I said through clenched teeth as I glared at them again.

"It's probably because I'm the new kid." She suggests.

I just shook my head. Was she really this innocent? "You really don't know do you?"

She looked confused and let it slide. I was happy to find out that my mate is innocent. Somehow my mate just keeps on getting better and better.

We continued to walk to our classroom with my arm wrapped around her shoulders. I felt the strong sparks no doubt that she felt them too just not as strong. I can't believe I feel the sparks I've been waiting to feel ever since I was told about them.

The class was empty except for three people. Veronica took a seat in one of the desks in the first row. Oh no. If we sit in the front all the males can see her. My wolf would surely break free. I don't think I could handle other males staring at my mate with lust for a long period of time. Only I could.

I quickly pull Veronica up and drag her to the back corner and make her sit. I sit on her right covering the others views. She could only see the backs of the people in front of her.

A bunch of students come in filling all the seats. Great more people to stare at Veronica.

"Why would you do that?!" Veronica whisper yells at me from out of nowhere.
"Who do you think you are to drag me out of the seat I was SITTING ON! Did it occur to you that I sat there for a reason?"

Oh no she's mad at me. Mason how could you get your mate mad at you on the first day. What if she rejects me?! I started panicking.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to be alone with you and if we sat up front other boys would stare at you. I can make someone move." I say while starting to stand up so I can give my mate what she wants. I already messed up the least I could do is get her her seat back.

"Wait!" Im surprised when Veronica grabs hand and sits me back down. Oh no is this the last time I feel these sparks.

"It's fine just don't do it again I don't want to move someone out of their seat because it's rude." Veronica says emphasizing the because it's rude part.

Im relieved when she doesn't say the words i thought she was going to say. A sheepish grin appeared on his face and we continued with class. I can't believe I thought she was going to reject me. I relax and quickly start on my work.

I smell something. And it smells really good. What could smell so amazi- I stop doing my work and turn to look at a blushing Veronica. The sweet smell in the air is the smell of Veronica's arousal. I feel my eyes darken and can feel my canines grow. This smell was not helping with my wolfs animal instinct to mark my mate. I felt myself grow down there and I groan how am I gonna deal with this here. I'm  cut out of my thoughts by the bell ringing.

I grab Veronica's hand instead of her shoulder to distance myself while still having her near.

"Come on we have lunch."

Since we were in the back of the classroom we had to wait for the rest of the class to leave before we could. We finally left and made it to the cafeteria. The rest of the group have already got their lunch so I wrapped my arm around Veronicas waist as we quickly got in line and got our food.

When we reached the table I noticed it was full and there was only one chair. Why was there only one chair? They knew me and Veronica were gonna sit with them.

Liam speaks up "It looks like Veronica is just going to have to share with someone."

Skylar scoots over "Here we won't be comfortable but I don't mind sharing."

"No no you too won't even fit on that small chair together. She looks pretty close to Mason" He says pointing to my arm around her waist "so she can sit on his lap!" He suggests like it was the greatest plan ever.

He winks at me and mind links me
You're welcome!

Any other time I would appreciate it but I still hadn't fully recovered from last class period.

Veronica looks uncertain she had no other option because all the seats in the cafeteria were taken.

"Um...I guess"

"Really?!" I ask surprised. I didn't expect that.



I sit down and pull her onto my lap. She wiggles a little to get in a comfortable position. Meanwhile I try to hide the groans trying to escape my mouth.

Thanks a lot Liam. Now my boner is getting harder by the second. I would hope she didn't notice but it was hard not to considering it was big.


"Yes Veronica?"

Veronica leans into me and whispers "There's something under me that's poking me it's between me and you."

Oh no.

She moves to get up but I quickly pull her back down "No!" I instantly regretted it.

"Oh my gosh!" I loudly groan

Everyone at the table is looking at me now.

"Mason is everything okay?" Liam asks with a teasing smirk. I would kill him if he wasn't my third in command.

"Yup i just have to go to the restroom." I quickly leave to the restroom. I finally regain my composure. I can do this I mentally tell myself.

I come back to the table. Veronica gets up and I sit down pulling her back on top of me again. Slowly this time though.

It feels normal now at the table even with Veronica on my lap. Like she belongs there.

To our right is Skylar. In front is Liam and across is Noah and Ivy.

I finally remember to introduce them. How could I forget.

"Veronica this is Ivy Noah's girlfriend"

"Hi" Veronica politely says. I let them talk and get to know each other.

It is important for them to know each other because Veronica is the Luna And Ivy is the Beta female.

*school is over*

It was a Friday so now i have to go two days without my mate. I don't know how I'm going to deal with this. I was in a bad mood all second to last period because I  didn't have her in my class.

I wrote more than a thousand words. What?!?! I had to end it here because it would be too long and I'm tired. I didn't read over it so there's probably gonna be mistakes. I'm gonna try to fix them tomorrow but no promises. Lol Enjoy!
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So I fixed some mistakes I saw.

Fun fact: When I wrote the authors note above this instead of vote I wrote vite. Lol I was tired but I saw it just before I published it so it was okay. 👌 Lol

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