Back on Olympus

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A/N: Co-writer of this story Awl111 go check out her stories

Chapter 11: Back on Olympus

Percy Pov

When I woke up in the morning I woke up in my daddy arms since he was here to bring me back to Olympus. I quickly sat up and hugged my dad very tightly. He was laughing as I was doing this.

"Percy it's time to go home I already got your things and I know your tired, but don't worry you can sleep on the way home "Dad said as he carried me to his ride I was too tired to see what he came in

so, once he had me in my seat I soon fell back to sleep. when I woke up I realized I was in my bed back on Olympus I yawned getting out of bed and heading to find mom and dad I found them in the living room Dad was reading a book and my step mom was sewing both looked up as I entered the room

"Good afternoon Percy sleep well?" asked Poseidon

"Yes, I did I don't even remember you coming to get me." I replied

"That's because you passed out with me carrying you out of the house did you have fun at your uncle?" laughed Amphitrite my step mom

"Yes, I had so much fun there I found a hidden room which we made into a club house and uncle hades and aunt Persephone took me to the park for the day we also got to have a picnic." I said quickly with excitement.

"That sound exciting I'm glad you had fun now..." daddy laughed

My dad was caught off by a maid calling over to him "I'm sorry sir but Hades and Zeus need to speak to you alone." She said quietly

My dad and step mom nodded "Percy dear why don't you go unpack your things while we talk to your uncles."

"Okay Amphrite." I ran up to my room to unpacked wondering if I was in trouble for something before I left my uncles place. As I got everything out of my bag I kept trying to think if I did anything to upset uncle Hades while I was there that he had to get Uncle Zeus involved to talk to my dad. I was so worried that I put my stuff up without thinking where I was putting them at. When I got done putting my things away I decided to paint something to keep my mind off the conversation my dad was having with my uncles. soon I was painting a picture of a small dog chasing a ball there was a knock on my dad "Come in.

Uncle Zeus walk in "Hello Percy how are you today?"

"I'm good did I do something wrong?" I asked timidly

"No honey you didn't now Hades said you saw a woman at the park that remind you of Sally." Explained Amphrite.

"She looked a lot like mommy uncle Zeus by the way she laughed and was smiling when she saw me she stared at me for a long time I j just don't know what to think about it anymore. Is that bad?"

"No, Percy it not. "Uncle Zeus said wiping a fresh tear coming down my eye "It's okay to think like this it's completely normal to feel like this as well we are going to look into this matter right now you did nothing wrong I promise now while I'm here do you have any question?"

"Will I be able to make friend?" I asked

"Of course, when you are old enough you will b able to go to camp half-blood while your there you can make as many friends with other demi gods that you want" answered uncle Zeus


I followed them out of the room and went with uncle Zeus to find aunt Hera who my uncle said missed me while I was in the underworld.

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Poseidon Pov:

Me and Amphitrite watched as Percy ran out of the room with a scared face. I felt bad for him because he probably thinks he did something bad. Our attention went to my brothers Zeus and Hades walking into the room quietly talking.

"good Percy's not in here we need to talk," sighed Zeus

"what's going on that Percy couldn't be in here for this, "I asked

"when Persephone brought Percy to the park he saw a lady there that he couldn't stop thinking about so a couple of days ago he woke up after a nightmare saying that women he saw was his real mom Sally," explained Hades.

"how is that even possible we saw her body, "I exclaimed

"we don't know if she was dead or not because none of us checked it out later when Percy was being healed," said Amphrite.

"true all I can say is that we investigate what happened that day after Percy ran way from that apartment, "said Zeus

They decided to make sure Percy was okay with what he saw and make sure he didn't have any question or anything like that before we let the subject drop. Once we get the truth with what happened that day none of us will be completely okay, but I'm glad I have Percy with me after everything he went through.

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Percy's Pov:

We found aunt Hera in the throne room with the other gods and goddess just sitting around talking to each other. When the stone door opened everyone looked up and when they saw it was me who entered aunt Hera got quickly off her throne and met me half away. She hugged my tightly into I couldn't breathe.

"I missed you so much," said aunt Hera," did you have a good time with your aunt and uncle this weekend.

I soon told everyone what I got to do this weekend from making a clubhouse from a hidden room to going to the park and having a picnic. After my tale was over we talked about what fun things we can do since I'm back.

I went with Hermes and Apollo playing tricks on some of the minor gods and goddesses into dinner was ready. On the way to the dinning room Artemis promised she would bring her hunt up here so I can hang out with them for a little bit. My older brothers would also be coming up here in the next couple days to see me to. When everyone had sat down I started to tell them about the clubhouse that we built in my room in the underworld. No one seemed to care that I was the only one talking they all were listening to me anyways.

I also talked about everything we did at Uncle Hades dad even said that we would build a clubhouse somewhere when he has time and Couldn't stop myself from clapping with happiness.

Dad and everyone else laughed about me doing it too. After dinner I headed to my room and watched my favorite TV show for a little bit until dad in and told me it was time of me to get ready for bed. Dad ran me a bubble bath I happily played with my toys I stayed in the tub for 30 minutes working on my water power making little animals dad laughed when he came to get me out and saw what I was doing

"Are you having fun." laughed dad

"Yep," I replied with happiness

"Well it time to get out bud so out you go." Replied dad

Dad got me out of the tub and helped me into my PJs and laid me in the bed and tucked the blanket up to my shoulder then I curled up in a ball as he read me a story.

Afterwards he kiss my head, said I love you, closed the door and turned out the light and as he had closed the door completely I was fast asleep.


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