Long and lost

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Kai never knew that there were people out there like her.  She always thought they were just a grayed out figure. Having no color in there life what so ever. And sometimes she did know that you sometimes have to be that way in life.  But she knew she wasn't gonna be that person. 

Middle school

First day of middle school.  She always knew it was gonna be so bad she was gonna jump into the black miserable sea of depression. So many things to do,  starting at least to know a little bit about who you are. But she always knew she was something. But something that probably doesn't exist. She walked to each class everytime the bell rang then English came. She met this girl.  Not just any girl. A girl who was exactly like.....


She wrote like her, she talked like her, she even walked like her. She got to know her name. It was a beautiful name in fact.She said that were-''sisters''.(voice dialog, it's not qoute on quote) She loved that they were long lost sisters.

Kai kept on forgetting her name. So the girl was kind enough to repeat it.

''the names Crystal, Crystal Midnight''.

And she will never forget that name.....


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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