Peril x reader

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Name: Eagle
Gender: Male
Abilities: Firescales
You accidentally killed your mother by touching her, she was the last of your family. You always feel guilty and unwanted.
You fly around looking for Peril the only other dragon with firescales and your crush. Your bright green unusual eyes scanned the area until you saw the burning shape of Peril.

She was in the arena.

You flew down and landed next to her. "Hi Peril" you said to her and gently brushed your wing against hers. She smiled at you, her blue eyes lighting up as she saw her friend. "Oh hey Eagle!" Peril said enthusiastically. You look around and no one was there. "No fight today huh?" You say.
"No" she replies bluntly.
"Would you like to come flying with me?" You ask. She smiles and nods and they take off.

You do a flip in the air. She tackles you mid flight. You both go tumbling through the air laughing.

Untangling yourself from her you smile. You only have fun when you're with her. You spread your wings, stopping the free fall that you were in and accidentally hitting her in the face with your wing. She wacks you with her tail and you go down to land by a river.

"I have to tell you something" you say.
"Mhmm, what?" She asks curiously. You start drawing in the dirt nervously with your talon. You stop drawing and stare into her eyes. "Peril, I-I love you" you stutter.

She looks at you shocked then walks towards you and kisses you. "I love you too you idiot" she says.

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