10 (Special Chapter)

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The next day Jin Seon Mi and Son Oh Gong woke up early for their first day in Japan. Jin Seon Mi was extremely excited. It was not her first time in Japan but it felt like it was since this time she was going with Son Oh Gong and the thought of her exploring with him was what made her even more excited.

They both had breakfast and travelled to Shibuya crossing which is their first stop. Jin Seon Mi was very excited to take a picture of the famous Akita dog "Hachiko"

"Omo, Son Oh Gong! Let's take a photo with Hachiko!" Jin Seon Mi excitedly pulled Son Oh Gong's jacket, urging him to cue up.

Son Oh Gong looked at the long line and his eyes widened at how long the line was just to take a photo with the Hachiko dog, "What's the big deal? It's just a dog!"

Jin Seon Mi's eyes widened in disbelief, "That's not just a dog! That is Hachiko from that sad movie."

She pulled his sleeves again and pleaded, "Please Son Oh Gong, let's line up please! I want to take a photo with it and show it to Secretary Ma!"

Son Oh Gong obliged anyway even if he hated to line up but seeing Jin Seon Mi got excited was worth it. She posed cutely in front of the dog statue and even made him take a selfie with her which of course he obliged.

Because he loves her.


For the two few days, Jin Seon Mi and Son Oh Gong has visited all the tourist spot areas in Tokyo city like the Tokyo tower, the shrines and even the imperial palace. Jin Seon Mi must have taken a thousand of shots and selfies with Son OH Gong in every place that they had visited.

They were both having the time of their life, mainly because they were together.

Today they were going to visit the Sensō-ji Temple in the district of Aakusa in Tokyo. Jin Seon Mi has read about it and made sure to put it on her list of places to visit.

It was the most popular shrine in Japan where people could often pray and make a wish. It was extremely well kept so when Jin Seon Mi arrived, she was of courses amazed and took photos again with Son Oh Gong.

She took her phone to take selfie with Son Oh Gong when an elder man spoke to them in Japanese. He was smiling and all but unfortunately Jin Seon Mi could not understand Japanese so she wanted to inform the man.

But much to her surprise, Son Oh Gong started to speak in Japanese fluently. She had no idea that her husband could speak Japanese. She just stared at him as he gave his phone to the man.

Son Oh Gong turned to her and smiled, "The lady wanted to help us take a picture."

He placed an arm around her and even when she was confused, she still smiled for the picture. The man gave Son Oh Gong's phone back and heard him say the only word she knows in Japanese which was "Arigato"

"I didn't know you could speak Nihongo." Jin Seon Mi said when the man walked away.

Son Oh grinned and nodded, "I am the Great Sage, Son Oh Gong equal to heavens. I have been living for a more than a thousand years, I think I would know a thing or two about languages."

"Seolma, you can speak all the languages in the world?!" Jin Seon Mi asked excitedly.

Seeing her jump up and down made him chuckle, "Correction, we can speak all the languages in the world."

"What do you mean?" Jin Seon Mi tilted her head in curiosity.

"Like this." Son Oh Gong grabbed the back of her neck and planted a kiss right on her lip. Her eyes widened at the gesture and then she felt energy pass through her lips from his. It was a certain kind of heat that did not hurt at all.

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