Chapter 29

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It's been three months since my conversation with Mike. We are still friends.

He told me he broke any kind of contact with Leah that same day. She was okay with it, but She asked him not tell me that their relationship was a lie. He promised her that, and then he asked me to keep that as a secret, just to avoid any more drama with her. And I agreed.

And I haven't seen or talked to Jared since New Year's. Eve told me he's doing better. She said his grades are so much better now, and she told me his doing therapy. I asked when he's visiting, and she said he's probably coming home for her birthday, which will be this weekend.

I've tried calling and emailing him, but He won't answer. So I'll have to talk to him during Eve's birthday. I have to tell him about Leah, and we still have to talk about what happened.

It's Eve's birthday today. She's having a party at her place. They wanted to go clubbing, but since I can't go because I'm too young, she decided to celebrate at home. I'm meeting some of her college buddies today. And she said Jared got home last night, and that he brought a surprise home. She didn't tell me what it was though.

She said her party was casual, so I could wear whatever I want. So I decided to go for a black crop top, skinny jeans, a jean black jacket, and my favorite sneakers. I pulled my hair up in a pony tail, did my makeup and put on a small pair of earrings and a black chocker. I also put on Jared's necklace. I want him to see that I still care.

I'm so freaking nervous. I feel like I haven't seen him in so long. Since my mom is at work, and the birthday party is not for adults, my mom said I could drive there, but She gave me a curfew. I have to be home by 12. And if I want to stay longer, I'd have to call her and let her know that I will be staying over at Eve's. I don't want to stay over. It would be a big temptation, having Jared home.

I'm finally here, but I'm not ready to get out of my car yet. I don't see any more cars on the block, so I guess I'm the first one to arrive. I text Eve and tell her I'm outside. After five minutes Eric opens the door.

Let's get this show on the road.

I'm the first one here. Eve is getting some snacks ready, and I start helping her. Eric is in charge of music and drinks. And Jared is nowhere to be found. I realize I'm shaking, and I need to get my shit together, soon.

The party is getting crowded and Jared hasn't shown up, yet. Not seeing him is making me even more nervous.

After getting everything ready for the party, Eve gave me a make over. A little one. She made me wear one of her push up bras under my crop top, and now My boobs look huge, She curled my hair and she made me wear a dark lipstick and black heels. I look older this way. She asked me to stay over, so I can have a few drinks. I texted Mom and she said it was okay. So I guess I'll be staying over. I won't say no to Eve on her birthday.

Eric hands me my first drink. Since my friendship with Vic, I started drinking and smoking but none of my cousins really know about that, so I'll have to control myself a little today.

I hear my cousins cheering for someone and when I turn around, it is Jared. I see why they are cheering, he looks so much better. He looks bigger and taller, I guess he's exercising again. His hair his longer and he looks tanned. He has a girl with him. I don't really understand what is going on. I hope she's one of Eve's friends. When he sees me, his eyes widen. He looks at me from head to toe. He says something to Eve, and then starts walking towards me. The girl walks right behind him, like she's being pulled by him. I can see her better now, she's blond and tinny, she's beautiful really. Her hair is long, and she's dressed in jeans and a shirt.

-"Hi!"- he hugs me, and I realize I was staring at the girl. "I've missed you. You look beautiful" He says in my hear. Making sure nobody can hear him.

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