the things he loves

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1. She's good at sports. Sporty. I like sports. I like when girls good at sports so that helps.

2. She's smart. 

3. She knows how to have fun. She finds fun in things I don't, so it opens me up to new stuff.

4. When she opens up to me, its nice bc she's very open when she chooses to be. It's nice to know someone so well and they are okay with you knowing so much.

5. She's fit. Physically.

6. She has nice legs.

7. She has long arms. oh this is turning quite shallow.. >_<

8. Her face is memorable. Not so like others. Its easy to remember her when I can't see her.

9. She's pretty bold and adventurous. 

10. She can be dumb, but its nice to know I'm not the only dumb one.

11. I can relate to her a lot.

12. She doesn't judge people I feel like.

13. I really really really for some reasons just feel so comfortable with her and being like that with someone I've never experienced and it's nice. It's so natural with her.

14. She can run fast. That's pretty cool in my opinion.

15. Her legs are super nice dude idk why I keep thinking of her legs. Seriously idk why.

16. She looks good with glasses on. I like when girls can wear glasses.

17. She pulls off both short and long hair. For a while I really liked when girls could pull off short and long hair like emma watson.

18. She's pretty weird like me c:

19. She can be stupidly funny sometimes. I don't understand how... our humor may not be the same but the parts that do overlap i love

20. She's really chill since she's comfortable with me i think

21. I feel like she has priorities in her life and that is respectable. She might get distracted from them sometimes but she knows them and goes back to them.

22. She eats food I like

23. She likes me for who I am i think

24. Her sense of fashion is good

25. She knows a lot of other languages. I love languages.

26. She's kinda introverted like me.

27. I think she's quite extroverted so I like seeing her be happy but also being chill.

28. Basically she kinda thinks like me but doesn't always agree so she helps me think outside the box. 

29. I like her hands

30. and her soft skin... oh goodness this is weird

31. HOW DID I FORGET THIS! she singssssssss and plays guitarrrrrrr and has musical talentssssss

32. and same music taste. oh yeahhh

33. this is kinda bad but she's a good kisser... oops maybe that one not good

34. she's not dirty! even if she doesn't clean her floor... but i like cleaning so whatever.

35. Her desk is organized which is nice

36. she smells goooooooood. I could smell her all day until all i smell is her and then go back to sleep and wake up and smell her again. smell gooooooodddd.

37. Honestly, her body is a lot of my ideal... im sorry for being shallow but it is.

38. She's honest or tries to be

39. Oh she's really caring of others, even if she doesn't care for them so much. I mean I know she said that I am too but its in a different way. But I admire the way she cares for others... really wanting them to feel good while i kinda just want them to be good

40. oh i think shes super super cute... like almost all the time. Even if i don't want to admit that shes cute... like during volleyball when i want everyone to try to focus and improve, I'm just like ... gosh dang... she is so freaking cute... what freaking ever i can't change that legit... she's like the cutest freaking... ok moving on

41. I really want to see her feet (she doesn't show them to me)

42. Sometimes, I just wanna grab her leg and just stare at emmm and absorb them into my mah mind... thats not necessarily something i like just random thought.

43. Oh when she has morals or beliefs she stays to them, so basically she's not fake... she slips up sometimes but thats alright

44. She gets along with guys and girls.. even though with some other guys maybe too well but thats just something i gotta be a big boi about.

45. oh... she likes video games! I love videogames! Thus.... you can see whas happening there winkwinkk ew... I am disgusting pahaha

46. I really like her face.. if she would let me (which she doesn't) I would just look at her face for extended periods of time.

47. Her eyes are really nice in my opinion. The crinkles when she smiles make her seem so real

48. Sometimes her breath smells but idk if shes ok with me or she just doesnt know but its funny pahhaha usually girls are  super on about their breath.

49. She has a nice family... I like her family. I need to meet her sister tho... she might scare me but heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for her whatever c:

50. She's erratic, lively even when shes tired. When I'm tired my energy levels go down, but she stays upbeat and all. woot she just happy... releasing those happy pheromones... okay

i think thats it for now

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