the things she loves

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1. First and foremost he is sooooo nice. Not just to me but to everyone and even thought he says he has problems with some people (like judging them harshly) he still treats them super well. Sometimes I stopped liking this quality about him a lil bc I got jealous. But this is why I love him.

2. He's really cool c: most of the time

3. He's like a black knight and takes the punishments for a whole group

4. He's a good sport even in toxic environments like soccer

5. He's good at sports heh ... doesnt matter which sport he eventually catches on and is really good. It makes me wanna get better too!

6. When he spikes haha , his body bends in the weirdest anime like way and its super strong and scary

7. I like when he focuses. At first I thought it was scary but now I know its cuz he cares. He cares about getting better... not just the fun cuz he knows if ur good at it then it'll be funner which i understand and respect

8. He doesn't complain (even though his pain tolerance is lower than mine) a lot at all and grits his teeth and goes for it.. something I cant do..... or its veryvery hard for me to do. I complain allll day so I wanna be like that and admire that 

9. There's a lot of things that makes him unique.

10. His monkey laugh. I like it cuz i can recognize it a mile away... its him

11. His moles... which he knows I'm obsessed with. Theres patterns (constellations!) that only i know and i can recognize his limbs by them hehe

12. His hands are super pretty... which is not good for my self esteem but they still pretty... I like how they feel stronger than they look and his little calluses mean a lot of things. They mean he works hard (at the gym lifting dumbells pahha), he plays guitar, and its more for me to recognize him by even when im not looking at him. I know what his hands feel like. 

13. For some reason, his forearms look really strong... uh yeah... idk why i like it so much

14. He's brown... which I used to hate cuz I was brown but hehe I like brown bc its like he soaked up all the sun and now lets the heat all out and its sooo warm. And I love being warm cuz im always cold.

15. Even though my shoulders are bigger than his, I fit in his hug... really well. He makes me feel like a guitar... you know how it just fits under ur arm and on ur body.... cuz its made to do that. Yeah I never thought I would feel like i was made to fit to someone.

16. And I like how even though he might not like some of his features, he is still confident in them. It doesn't stop him... he doesn't hide what he doesn't like.

17. His eyes are like puzzles. Its fun to figure out! mmm idk.... its not really the shape of em or how big or small they are that day... but like they give off a feeling that i like trying to read and i like to do things to see if the feeling will change. My favorite is when they turn really small bc he's happy and it makes me laugh cuz I wonder if he can even see me anymore.

18. I like how when he turns serious, he likes to be taken seriously. Even though it's jarring sometimes and sometimes its scary but it shows me he takes me and what he's talking about seriously.

19. When I do dishes and he's behind me, I see  kind of a 3rd person perspective in the mirror and ...  he looks at me like someone who is likeable. It makes me seem prettier... idk just the way he looks at me.

20. uh this is kinda weird but when he pushes my hair back or is near me ... idk something is tender about it... idk uh so idk how to describe.... I guess im not used to feeling like a girl and he makes me feel like one

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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