Chapter 1

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The sky painted with orange layers, followed by a  crimson paint spilled all over the streets. ""

It was just a dream. I woke up trying to remember the details. I wrote  the content of the dream on my notebook, like I usually does. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door that made me realized its 7 am, and Ill be late for school. I went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and wore my uniform.

At school, "Ms. (Y/N), you're late!! Get out!!"  Oh maaan!!  The most terror professor.Why does it has to be her. It was a bad day for me. So I went outside and sat around the corner while daydreaming of what might be my future then, the bell rang which signifies that class is over. After class, I went home and starts revising my notes, when I suddenly felt the urge to take a nap.

~ Birds like humans, spiders when they fly. There appeared in front was a colossal human being, blood stained and gruesome. " and run"~

What was that? Why does my nightmares happen at the same location and setting as always. I'm scared. After writing it down on my notebook, I went outside the room to get myself a cup of water and saw my mama, drinking coffee late this midnight.

"Why are you still awake this late?" asked her. "Uhmm... I was reviewing for an exam tomorrow." I replied. "You should learn how to rest and take care of your health sometime, dear." she told me. "Yes. I'll be heading back now.. Goodnight" I replied.

I couldn't tell her about my nightmares, I just don't want her worrying about it. That's how special she is to me. Back at my room, I cleaned the scattered stuffs and start readying myself for bed. I was really curios to why it happens. It must have a hidden message behind it. I closed my eyes then as expected it appeared.

~ Different thoughts from different people. Different faces but same emotions."A titan.. help" as they plead. I looked up to see a flying key.   A woman pleading to me "...door.. save your life and run." ~

I woke up and grasp my breath, catching every air I could accumulate. These scary thoughts jumbled inside me, what shall I do to make it clear. "Who is she? What was the connection of that door?" These lingering questions kept me up. I'm wide awake until morning sun shines up. The orange sunlight covered my face, doesn't bother me at all. Remembering the dream was a bloody encounter for me to imagine but nevertheless, its beyond fiction to happen. A metafictional.

~ Water like fluid starts to stream out of these windows, wiping every fall it makes . "Go to the door. Save your life and run." the woman said. I ran away from her not looking back.. then a brown door appeared before me. Its handle painted in gold with a sign saying "universe". ~

I woke up to see the birds chirping. It was not long ago when I was awake. Again, I wrote it down in my notebook. I went out to eat breakfast when I suddenly saw the same door with the same color, that my mama didn't want me to go in.  I finished eating and went back to my room. I rushed and grabbed my notebook to read all the words I have written, starting from page 1. It gave me a shock when I saw this:

To be continued on chapter 2....

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