~ Free De la Hoya x reader ~

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(Y/N) = Your name
(L/N) = Last name
(B/N) = Bey name

Free de la Hoya

The number one blader in the world

Or captain of BC Sol

Dark blond hair with a red highlight going through it. Dark brown emotionless eyes, which you can get lost easily in. A smooth voice that can relax you in a second.

A guy like that must have many fangirls

~ Your POV ~

I was in my room, sleeping peacefully in my white bedsheets and my soft light yellow pillow.

Yeah I'm a bit lazy but I have a reason! I trained through the whole night! I need to get better. I want to impress my Crush. The lazy Free de la Hoya.

He is very popular and maybe a bit...Hot...

My Alarm ringed through the room.

"Just let me sleep one more minute....maybe two....or maybe the next 5 hours" I mumbled sleepily

But my alarm didn't give up, it wanted to disturb my peaceful sleep as I gived up. I used my hand to turn it off.

I weakly stood up and took a look at the time, 8 am alright....

Suddenly somebody knocked at the door...

Knock, knock

"(Y/N) are you awake? Training is about to start." I heard Christina say through my door

"I'll be there soon....just give me five minutes..." I sleepily responded


"Man......it was a bad idea to train THIS long, hehe" you quietly laughed to yourself.

"Ok first I need to change my clothes...-"

~ Christina's POV ~

I was walking to (Y/N) room to go wake her up, to be honest I ship (Y/N) and Free. They both just match perfectly!

I knocked on her door

"(Y/N) are you awake? Training is about to start." I told her

"I'll be there soon...just give me five minutes..." She responded, not to mention that she sounds very sleepy.

"Alright!" I answered as I was making my way to Free's room....then They can train alone....together

Knock knock

I knocked on Free's door, but he didn't react

"Free?" I asked, standing in front of his door "are you awake? training is about to start!"

"Coming...." He answered, opening the door showing the lazy blonde

~ Timeskip to the training time brought by the Author-chan being a wimp ~

~ Free's POV ~

Christina woke the crew up and had the idea that we could make train-duos, that means that in the team two members of the BC Sol are battling with eachother and the winner is battling the winner of another team, to make it short, just like an tournament just that the one that lose of a team battling against the other that losed. Pretty cool system to be honest

I was the partner of Sasha (ya thought it would be the reader didn't you, hahaha I'm so evil!) And (Y/N) was with Valt

I quietly growled

"Is there someone jealous?~" Christina cooed, making me just blush slightly


"C'mon Free!" Sasha called out for the Golden boy to come

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