Beauty and the Lazy Beast || Preview

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** Okay so, I wanted to write this story with another friend and hopefully we get to do it after we're done with college. The first draft will be written by me but me and her (maybe) will probably change and edit it to our own ideas and funny humor. Enjoy the preview!

My friend and I own nothing except the idea.
Once upon a time, there lived seven princes and one princess.

A young boy comes to their castle, seeking shelter from the grave storm. The siblings take a vote. And it lands in a tie.

The does not favor this so he reveals his ultimate secret.

"You are all selfish! I don't like selfish people! You will pay."

Everyone in the castle is ready for a possible fight... but what they get instead is something entirely different.

"Brother! You're a cat!"

"Okay Hedghog."


"Ow! What the heck hit me!"

"It's me, shit rat, I'm a freaking candle!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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