In Love with Shay Farrell

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Shay Farrell is the one girl I can't have. Why? Because she was in love with Mitchell Russell, my best friend. He loved her too. All I could do was sit and watch.

It is Graduation Day. Shay and Mitchell got in a fight the day before. I planned to tell her today. It never happened. She was almost hit by a car. Mitchell saved her. Mitchell won her back.

We all went to the same college. Shay, Me, and Mitchell. I was there for her every time Mitchell and her got in a fight. I was there every time they broke up. I was there to help and comfort her. I was also there when they forgave each other and got back together. I was the one who was left behind and replaced.

"Why are you still with him?" I shout at her.

"Because Landon, I love him!" She shouts back.

I stare at her. I was hurt. She loves him. There was no chance with me.

"Don't you know what it's like to love someone?" she asks softly.

I don't say anything. I just look at her. What am I supposed to say? I know because I am in love with you. She just told me she loves Mitchell and not me.

"I have to go Landon. Don't bother calling me." she says and walks away.

Shay Farrell hates me.

"Hey dude, what do you think of this?" Mitchell asks me showing me a ring.

"It's a ring. It's nice I guess." I tell him.

"I am thinking of proposing to Shay." he tells me.

"Oh. She will love it." I tell him with a fake smile on my face.

Shay and Mitchell getting married. I can't believe it. I want to tell him that he can't. That I love her as well, but I can't. He is in love with her too. It is too selfish of me to do tell him that. He won this fight. He won Shay Farrell. I lost. He is happy and I am not. I can't let him know that though. I can't have him feel bad for me.

"She said yes." Mitchell says with Shay running up behind him.

She shows me the ring. She is so happy. He is too. Why can't I feel happy for them? Why do I have to like Shay too.

"So, Shay and I have been discussing, and we think you should be my best man. Will you do it?" Mitchell asks with hope in his eyes.

I nod yes. I can't stop it from happening. I have to feel happy for them.

It is the wedding day. It is the day when I lose Shay forever. I walk into the church and see Shay in her dress. She looks beautiful. Mitchell isn't here yet. I can't do it. I thought I could. I thought I could hide my feelings, but seeing her in that dress looking beautiful. I can't. I run out of the church and drive home.

I can't live a life with Shay being with someone else. I know it is selfish of me, but I can't. It is too hard. I pick up a picture of Shay, Mitchell, and I when we were in second grade. Shay was in between us and we were hugging her with all our might. I put the picture back and it falls to the ground. Glass pieces from the frame were everywhere.

This is when I realized I could just do it. I could just end my life right here. I picked up a piece of the glass. I take it and brush it against by wrists. I did it. I actually did it.

"Landon! Landon, open up!" a voice yelled outside.

It was Shay.

"Shay." I say before I pass out.

I wake up to see Shay holding my head as a car drives me to a hospital.

"Shay?" I say with a weak voice.

"Landon! Landon, why?" Shay asks with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I couldn't do it anymore Shay. I couldn't see you marrying another guy." I tell her.

I know I won't make it. I am having trouble breathing. The hospital is nowhere close to my house.

"What do you mean Landon?" Shay asks.

"I am in love with you Shay Farrell." I say and close my eyes.

This was it. This was the end. At least I got to tell her how I feel.

"Landon! Landon, wake up! Don't die on me!" Shay says as I take my final breath.

I open my eyes and look at her and smile. I blacked out afterwards.

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