The Sea

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I was awoken by the sound of seagulls and the light coming through the crack in the curtains.

Last nights events whirled in my mind and I was angered by the whole situation. I decided to go and shower to take my mind off it and also have one before everyone else.

I creeped past Charlie, she was fast asleep but I could make out a few tear stains on her cheeks. I felt guilty for kicking off at her, I should have kicked off at the guy. But I still didn't understand why she smiled at him and how she seemed okay with it?

I got in the shower and let the cool water run over my body.

I got out and wrapped a towel around My waist. I walked out the shower room and bumped straight into her.

"I'm so sorry" she said before she realised who I was.

'It's okay don't worry' I replied

She wouldn't look into my eyes and shoved past me into the bath room.

I heard the lock click and the shower running.

I didn't know what to do, we needed to sort this all out.

I got dressed into some skinny jeans and a white t-shirt

Con and Elle had gone downstairs so I sat on her bed and waited.

I finally heard the door open and she appeared with a towel wrapped around her hair and body.

'We need to talk' I said bluntly

'Ok give me a sec' she replied

I walked down the stairs and put my docs on and coat.

About 20 minutes later she emerged from the top of the stairs and put her coat and shoes on.


I had no idea what Brad was going to say. He acted so immaturely last night and to be honest I was angry at him.

I grabbed my coat and shoes and followed him out the door.

We walked in silence until we reached the beach.

He began to walk towards the water.

'Are we gonna talk or what?' I shouted

'Look I'm sorry for over reacting last night but I'm sure you would of reacted in the exact same way if it was me and some girl' he replied

'Brad I had no control over it!' I shouted back

'Why are you shouting? I'm trying to apologise and you're turning it into another argument?' he replied angrily

'You know what, fuck you' I replied and turned my back as I made my way back onto the pathway.

'Well fuck you too then' he shouted back

I was too angry to go back to the house so I went an found a bench to sit on.

Ugh he was being so stupid, why wasn't he getting angry at the guy at the bar? I didn't do anything OMG

The more I thought about it the angrier I got so I decided to ring James.

Calling James:

'Hello' he answered

'Hey can you come out and walk with me?' I asked

'Um yeah sure where are you?' he asked

'On some bench near the apartment' I replied

'Great directions I will come and find you' he chuckled.

'Thanks bye' I said as I hung up

I listened to the sea as I waited for James.

I saw him jog round the corner and waved at him.

'Hey' he said sounding out if breath as he sat down next to me.

I smiled back at him

'Brads pretty angry' he explained

'Yeah well so am I' I muttered

'It's a stupid thing to argue about not gonna lie' he chuckled

'I know I know' I replied

'Let's walk' he said

We walked around Brighton for a few hours and finally made our way back to the apartment.

I opened the door to Elle and Connor snuggled up on the sofa watching wild child. It was Elle's favourite film and I was suprised Connor had agreed to watch it.

Elle gave me a warm smile and Connor rolled his eyes at the film.

'Hey where's Brad?' I asked.

'Hes outside' Connor replied.

I made my way outside and saw him sat at the bottom of the garden with his headphones in. James had made me realise how stupid this whole thing was and I just wanted to hug Brad. He looked so upset.

I went over and sat down next to him. Noone said a word for a few minutes so I decided to break the silence.

'Im sorry' I whispered.

Brad stopped his music and took his headphones out. He cupped my chin and kissed my softly.

'Im so so sorry, lets just forget about this and enjoy the rest of the day' He grinned.

I flung my arms around him and buried my head into the crook of his neck. His arms snaked around my waist and he kissed my forehead.

He passed me a earphone and we both laid back onto the grass as Brads music began to play again, I rested my head on his chest as he traced circles on my arm.

We spent the rest of the evening playing board games and watching TV. It was hard to think that I had only just moved here and already had a group of people that I could easily call my best friends and even a boyfriend.



So confused as to how this has got over 1000 reads but thank you so much! I didn't think anyone was reading it.

A few of the first chapters are so embarrassing and cringey even though I only wrote them a few months ago but I can't be bothered to change them.

P.S I changed their ages to 17 and in year 12 because it was so unrealistic with them being in year 11.

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