Trent Henderson 9

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I knocked on the front door and saw Mrs. Cuffer.

I was in my hero form at the time, so she felt more comfortable with me being around her son.

She frowned and let me in.

"Where's Alex?"

She didn't look very happy about me coming.

"Sleeping... How long are you staying?"

"... All day... Until another hero comes to watch him."

To my surprise, she smiled.

"Well then! Make him breakfast, I'm going to the police station."

She grabbed her purse and walked over to the door.

"Don't feed him any sugar, he needs to continue his eating plan."

"He's not going to school, so just have him practice his flute and piano, then have training after lunch!"


"And don't let any cats or dogs go around him, he's allergic to them!"

Then she walked out and slammed the door.

I blinked and walked into the living room.

The room was amazing.

The TV was huge!

I jumped on the sofa and laid down.

This place was expensive!

I heard soft footsteps coming down the hallway.

Alexander was slowly limping into the kitchen.

I smiled and jumped off the sofa.


He screamed and fell backwards on the ground.

I frowned "Oops."

I helped him up and to the table.

"You get scared very easily."

He nodded but said nothing.

He sat down at the table and looked at me.

"Where's mom?"

"Oh, she's gone, I'm babysitting you."

He suddenly looked very nervous.

"Hey, don't worry! I've got this under control, I've made breakfast before."

I walked into the kitchen and put on the Sweet mama apron.

"Let us cook!"

Alexander sighed "Please don't burn anything."

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