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The Agency above^^^



"Can you shut up?" I snapped at the man who was going off about his most recent assassination as I sat at my desk, in my office, hacking into my latest assignments files.

"Nah, my life is much more interesting than yours, so..."

I rolled my eyes, I swear he's the cockiest guy in the agency. I'm an assassin, and sadly, so is the annoying pest whom is wasting my time at the moment. We work for the government. Most assassin's usually reach the age of around 40-50, and if your lucky, 55. Im 17 and the pest, Jax is 21.

"Well since this is going nowhere due to you, go get Ataline and see if we can track down that gang leader that Mason's having trouble finding." I said, shutting my computer off and standing up.

"Alright, if that's your idea of fun." Jax followed me around the room as I grabbed my weapons off the walls and shelves. I strapped my gun to the side of my chest, so it rested beside my elbow, and a thin dagger to my hip, hidden under my black ripped jeans with the tip of the hilt just pointing out so that only the trained eye would be able to spot it. I then threw on my black jacket over my white, tied at the front, shirt. Then slipped out the door with Jax on my heels.

Jax split up with me to go down the hall to Ataline's office and I moved down to the end of the hall into the lounge where most of the people below 30 hung out. Anyone over usually was in the bar, on the other side of the building.

I flopped down on one of the couches in front of the tv. Behind me I could hear the guys in the other room connected to the lounge. Soft music played through the room as I waited for Jax to arrive with Ataline.

"Hey Asra, why don't you play a game of pool with us?" I heard a voice call from behind me.

Swerving my head towards the source I met Ron's eye. "I think i'll pass." I said with a small mocking smile. I never liked Ron, he was the only older guy here. I think he was in his 40's? He was a total perv whenever me or Ataline was around since we are the only girls in the agency.

As I settled down in my chair again before someone sat down on the arm beside me. "Come on Asra, don't be boring." He sneered

"Ron fuck off will you? I'm waiting for Jax." I snapped.

"Feisty today huh?" He reached over and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." I said before elbowing him in the center of the stomach. He doubled over then I jumped to my feet, slipping my blade out of my jeans and holding it to his neck. "Come on Ron, we've been over this." I said sweetly.

I took the blade from his neck and he let out a relieved sigh. I then lifted my food and kicked him off the arm. He flew over the floor and landed... Un-gracefully before tumbling to a stop.

Jax and Ataline walked In as Ron let out a groan. "Haha, you got your ass kicked!" Jax laughed pointing at Ron.

I pushed myself out of the chair and walked over to Ataline who seemed to be holding in a laugh. "Lets go." As I slipped my blade back in its original spot.

As we drove down the highway my laptop rest in my lap as I typed away, gaining access into the gang leaders information. "This is so easy, how has Mason not tracked him down yet?" I chuckled

"Mason doesn't hack like you do Asra." Ataline said from the back seat.

"I think everyone should learn. It's very useful and shortens the assignment."

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