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The high school for those with limited imagination XD Jk, you all have beautiful minds!



Can't believe Winston, sending us to this hellhole. This feels like a punishment more than an assignment. I groaned and complained the entire way there.

"Come on Asra! Schools going to be easy, assassins aren't hired if their stupid you know!" Justin told me as he practically dragged me out of the car.

They may have won this battle but they weren't able to keep me from hiding my dagger in the place I had put my gun to bring it along, no matter how many times they told me high school was 'safe' I don't trust strangers.

We walked in the front doors of the two story, large building. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't incredibly nice. Not as nice as the agency, but nice.

We entered a open room, enclosed with windows, a long desk stretched across the room in front of us, separating the waiting area from the workspace. Jax, Ataline and I sat in the coshened waiting chairs as Justin talked to the secretary to get us our schedules and school map, although, as usual I had already hacked their system found them, and memorized them.

After Justin gave us the sheets of paper. I had science first with Jax and Justin, then gym with Ataline, then after break I had art with Jax then tech, alone. Ugh. "Alright, let's go." I said and lead Jax and Jason to our class while Ataline went her own way to her class.

The door was locked when we reached it. Jax nocked and the teacher answered. "Oh! I heard I had new students! Welcome, im Miss. Lamara. Have a seat wherever." She said with a big smile. She annoyed me already.

There was two desks open beside each other and one surrounded by a group of guys. Justin and Jax rushed to get the double before I could. I gave them a cold glare and walked over to the single desk and sat down. As I looked at the group of guys I recognized one of them. He had dirty blonde hair and I nice jawline. His eyes were hazel and he was obviously tall, and didn't look happy, at all.

That's him!

I looked over at Justin and Jax. They smirked and winked. 'Know it alls!' I mouthed to them.

"Hey blondi, what's your name?" One of the guys asked beside me. He had shaggy black hair and soft brown eyes.

"Why do you care to know?" I asked.

The other guys laughed around me. "Turned down quick Damion!" One of his friends shouted.

"Boys please be quiet. You can always talk to... What's your name dear?" She asked me. I clenched my jaw.

"Asra!" Jax called out. I shot him a glare.

"And your names boys?" She asked looking at them.

"Im Justin and that's Jax"

"Well welcome to my class Asra, Jax, and Justin. If you have any questions or problems please come see me after class." She then turned back to the board and returned to explaining the lesson. Something about space, I already knew about it so I slipped out my sketchbook and doodled random things in it. The guys around me had fallen silent and seemed to be very into the lesson.


Finally the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff to head out the door just as a hand grabbed my arm. I turned to look at Damion. "Hey, blondi, we all never got to talk!"

I took my arm out of his grasp. "Then talk." I said.

"What class do you have next?" One of the other guys asked. "Gym. What's your name anyways?" He was the guy who had laughed at Damion when I 'turned down' Damion. Who says that anyways?

"Stevin. That's Sam, Nick, Simon, Prisen, Seth, Noah, Miles, and of course you already know Damion" He told me pointing to each guy. Sam was a dirty blond jock, Nick was brown haired but not all tall as the others, Simon had black hair and glasses, Prisen had bright red hair, a sharp jawline and a smirk replacing his smile, Seth looked to be Sam's brother, Noah was the same height as Nick but had more of a jock look, like he went to the gym a lot... like A LOT. Then there was Miles. The gang leaders son. Now he was hot.

They were all hot, obviously the more popular group in the school but Miles caught my eyes and seemed to lock them there. My gaze stayed neutral... I think? But my eyes wouldn't budge. Sure, sitting close to the guys who's father I had personally assassinated less than 24 hours ago was fine, but making direct eye-contact with him? Everything seemed a lot more realistic.

"Alright, well see you around. Gotta get to gym!" I said finally prying my eyes away from Miles's. I rushed down the halls towards the gym.

Watch me be late first day!

I practically burst through the gym doors just before the bell rang. The gym was HUGE! Might end up one of my favorite classes!

I spotted Ataline in the group of girls circled around the gym teacher and went over to her.

"One more second and you could've been late! If only you had tripped in the halls! Someone should've locked the doors..." She teased me. I wanted to reply but the gym teacher blew a ear piercing whistle to get us to all listen.

Why the hell to they get those! If she blows that thing in my ear ONE MORE TIME i'm gonna crush it under my foot!

"Alright girls, my name is Mrs. Wilson and i'm your gym teacher." the lanky, tall blonde, saggy teacher told us.

"No shit your our gym teacher. Tell us some other disappointing information we don't already know." I whispered to Attaline and she help back a laugh from beside me.

"Something you want to share girls?" Mrs. Wilson asked us. "Hey Mrs. Wilson, did you know it's not normal to have tits down to your stomach?" I answered with a sweet smile. She frowned. "Keep talking like that and you'll end up in the office." She didn't like us, but others around the circle chuckled at the answer.


Gym was pretty uneventful. She just had us go get changed, take 30 minutes to go over the rules of dodgeball then play like three dodgeball games, then go get changed again.

Me and Attaline walked out of the change room together. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mrs. Wilson staring me down with a hard glare, I just walked out of the gym ignoring her.

I saw Jax and Justin at their lockers, surrounded by Miles's friend group. I groaned, I wanted nothing to do with that flirty, fuckboy group. Attaline on the other hand seemed way too into them. She totally ditched me, running over to the group and blended in. A few girls mingled in aswell. Two seemed to be obsessed with Jax and Justin, not too happy that Attaline knew them.

I rolled my eyes, I was not getting in tha kinda drama. I turned and started walking away as I heard Jax call out my name but I ignored him and kept going.

"She looks like a slut." I heard one of the girls sneer behind me. I stopped in my tracks. But that's not what made me stop. All the guys were laughing.

Even Jax and Justin.

Attaline told the girl to shut up.

"No. You shut up, or go be a slut with her." She'd responded.

I turned around to look at her. It was the girl addicted to Jax. Straightening my stance, I walked over to her. "Look here bitch. talk to me like that, I don't care, talk to one of my friends like that, I can assure you you wont like the result." Thankfully before I had come over Miles, Sam and Noah had skipped off to gay town so I didn't need to worry about Miles gaining any suspicion out of my threat.

"Oh my, I'm soo scared." She chuckled, putting a hand over her heart. "Whatever slut." She looked at Attaline. "Got anything to say cunt?" She said to her, glancing at me.

The guys around us chuckled but Jax and Justin looked between me and the girl with pure fear and worry. Ya, they knew what was coming.

"Lets go Attaline." I said before I looked the girl straight in the eye,

And winked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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