Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Hazel's P.O.V.

"Holy shit," I heard the boy say as he got a good look at the creature. It was swimming closer to the shore but could only go so far. The mermaid was trying to swim away from is because it wanted her for dinner.

The dinoshark wasn't going away though, it was waiting, knowing that the mermaid had to return to the water sooner or later.

When I was younger, my brothers used to tell me stories about dinosharks just to scare me. My father said that dinosharks were rare creatures that usually lived in deep ends of the oceans, they never liked coming towards the shore or anywhere close.

My mother would just tell me thats it's a myth so I could sleep more peacefully, but I had no freaking clue that they were actually real.

The dinoshark was gigantic and I froze as the guy dragged the mermaid onto the sand. He looked at me, still scared, as I held my gun near my hip. I couldn't believe my sight of the dinoshark. I never even imagined I would see one, and let me tell you, it was one big fishy.   

The thing moved so fast that I was surprised that I could keep up with it. The dinoshark shot out of the water and gave us all a deadly look.

My brothers have officially scared me and I will never go in the ocean again.

I started shooting again as the creature started getting closer. I had no fucking clue that these kinds of creatures still exist. Maybe I should listen to my mother next time she talks to me about this kind of stuff.

I shot the shark a good five times, but it didn't seem to be giving up that easy. It's blood red eyes looked straight into my moonlight eyes.

The creature was barely bleeding and I wish I had my arrows so I could kill the damn thing. Every time I almost had the damn thing near the eye or fins it would move as if it knew where I wanted to hit it.

I growled in anger before looking around to see that guy and his mate were gone. I rarely ever let my pray get away, but I wasn't about to let this rare creature get away.

"Hazel!" I heard Gabby yell. I turned to her right as I shot another bullet into the water. Turning my attention back towards the water I noticed how the waves looked calmer.

"Damn it! I've never let three get away from me," I growled out before storming past Gabby. My brothers stopped me from going any further and took a look around the beach. I knew they weren't going to find anything, the mermaid and her mate was gone along with the rare dinoshark I was excited to kill.

"What are you talking about Hazel?" Miles asked me, confused as ever. Paxton didn't seem to notice anythign either and I took that as a sign that the dinoshark was now no where near here.

"I was about to kill a stupid mermaid and her mate, I had shot her mate in the arm twice and also got a knife in her tail until a dinoshark came along," I grumbled. I was pissed, it's rare for my prey to walk away and all three of them did that.

"Hazel, dinoshark's don't exist, we were making it up from a movie we say when we were little," Paxton explained, a little scared that I mentioned the scary beast.

"Why did our parents let us watch that anyway? It was stupid and was a horror movie," Miles said out of the blue. Paxton threw him a glare.

"You stole the movie and told me that our parents said it was ok when really they weren't ok with us watching that movie. Gosh Hazel would have had nightmares at the age," Paxton retorted before rubbing his face.

Miles shrugged his shoulders, "It was a stupid movie anyway."

"Well whatever that thing was it's long gone now, we might as well start heading back home," Gabby said while walking away from the water and into the trees.

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