Iron adventures in the second dimenson 9

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The balance has shifted into the light side as Allie gives her new battlizer a test drive.

    In the castle. "WRENCH! You told me that that spell was lost for good!" "I thought it was, I specifically remember burning the book." "Then how come she can use the stallion battlizer?!" "She must've cloned the book and hit it and the magic pen where we'd never find it." "Are the crystals still intact?" "No, in addition to retrieving the book and pen, she, or one of her teammates, must've shattered them." "WRRRREEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNCCCCCCCHHHH!" King butterfly was not happy with this news.

    The dark iron avengers tried to stop her. But in her new battlized mode, Allie was unstoppable. And the other super iron avengers just hung back, not wanting to get in her way. "Wow, her new battlizer is insane." "This reminds me of the first time you ever battlized Jeremy." "Please, nothing can top this moment." Allie had done so much damage to the dark iron avengers that they could only barely stand, let alone fight. "You want some more copycats?" "We'll be back!" The dark iron avengers retreated to fight another day, if they even made it to next time considering how much they just got smacked around. "Yeah, you'd better run!" The super iron avengers ran up to Allie. "Allie that was insane!" "Yeah, you completely crushed it back there." "Thanks, but, I couldn't have done it without the help of my spell book. If it weren't for it, the dark iron avengers would've continued to kick out butts." "Well, hopefully they'll think twice before returning ever again." All of a sudden, all of them heard massive footsteps coming towards them. "Whoa, giant monster alert!" The monster raises his club and brought it down on the team, who only just managed to dodge it. "Looks like it's time to call on the silver stallion zord." "The what Allie?!" "It's the other part of the stallion battlizer power, the the stallion can grow into its own zord." "Well then, go for it Allie." "Right, stallion knight, silver stallion power!" She drew a different symbol and smacked it. The stallion armor transformed back into its steed mode, and grew to mega level. "Whoa, this whole spell is insane." "Oh just wait, silver stallion, stallion warrior mode, activate!" The silver stallion began to transform, into a giant robot. Allie jumped in. "Battle mode, engage, stallion megazord, ready!" "Whoa, the stallion megazord, that is so awesome!" "Yeah, go get'm Allie!" The stallion megazord had a cockpit much like the one in the iron megazord, with the controls being ally's body movements. In the castle. "No, the stallion megazord!" "She's discovered the full power of the battle spell!" King butterfly hit wrench in the head, hard. Back in the valley, the stallion megazord was dominating the giant with ease. "This thing handles like a dream, stallion saber, final slash!" The megazord's saber charged up and came down, slicing the giant in to pieces and destroying him. "And that's how you slice a monster." "Yeah!" "Way to go Allie!" In the castle. The dark iron avengers just got back. "Sir, I regret to inform you, they have a new power." "Which you cowardly ran away from." "We apologize profusely for our cowardice." "Go recover, because if you fail me again, you'll be polishing the floors of the underworld of alpha cintory!"

The silver stallion has joined our heroes' arsenal of weapons and zords. And king butterfly is unhappy with this. What will he plan next? Find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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