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Shoutout to @EmmaleeHoran!!! She is the coolest person I've ever met!

Go check out her book called: Safety

Also go check out a story called: One Of Us by @Be112

If you want a shoutout and me to sponser your book please vote and comment. I love you guys so much! c:




Oh I hope Amy will not take this too bad, I really dont want her to be sad about this. I walk up to her, once I get close enough for her to see me her face brightens up and a big smile is planted on her face. I really dont know what people's problems are towards her. She is the sweetest and most caring person I've ever met.

"Hollie," she greets then pulls me in for a hug. "Hey Amy!" I hug her back. We then pull away. "How are you Amy?" I ask and she brings her black hair over her shoulders and huffs out a sigh. "Ya know. Same old same old business." she pulls off a small smile and I smile back. I really don't know what other people's problems are about being around Amy. She's never done anything wrong, she's not a slut like the 2/3 of the school girls are, she is super considerate and just brings joy.

"Hollie?" she asks and I snap out of my thoughts to look at her. "Yes?" I ask. "The bell rung," she stated and I look around me to see mostly everyone that were standing and waiting outside the school already inside. Well besides the couple behind the dumpster who are eating their faces out. Just disgusting.

I follow behind Amy while she walks into the school. She clutches her books tightly when people bump into her. I walk next to her and give her a reassuring nod telling her its okay. She's always been scared of the hallways and how savage a lot of teens are trying to get to class. Mostly horseplay.

We walk together to our locker that we are sharing for this year. Man, so many memories were made by this locker. I'm going to miss it so very much. I need to tell Amy about me moving. She's my top priority because she's a better friend then those whores are on the cheer team who assume I am their friend. But, they are wrong.

I stand to the side while Amy twists the knob of the lock putting in the key code. I then hear a click noise, indicating that she put in the right combo of codes. She opens it fully so I can look inside also. I swing my bag over my shoulder and unzip it so I can put and get my things for my classes.

We are both done with the locker. Amy steps back while I shut it. While shutting it I accidentally drop my book and a bang is heard throughout the hallway. I bend over and before I grab my book I hear howls and whistles. I grab my book while scowling and stand up to face some of the jocks.

"You are looking hot babe," Kenny flirts while putting his hand on my shoulder. I grimace at him and slowly detach his hand from my shoulder with my two fingers. He sighs then looks over his shoulder towards Zach and Jeremiah. They then nod towards him he slowly turns around giving me a smile. I scowl towards him then turn on my heels heading towards the stairs to get to my class. "Hollie," I hear him say before he grabs my wrist yanking me towards him. I squeak when he wraps his arms around me. "Kenny..." I growl trying to pry his arms off around my body.

He keeps his grip on my body squeezing a little causing my body to wince. "You are beautiful you know that babe?" I cringe when he calls me babe. No one has ever called me that besides Luke... I can't be doing this, Luke and I are still dating. "Kenny. Im dating," I squirm even more in his arms but he keeps his grip tight around my waist. He leans his head down onto my shoulder, I feel his warm breath fanning onto my ear.

"Who cares?" he chuckles into my ear and I struggle even more. "Le-Let me g-go," I squirm even more he laughs. "No. I won't. You know," he says while putting a strand of hair behind my ear. "You look like a good fuck you know that?" he hisses into my ear and I stutter. Oh no. Please no.

I shut my eyes and then somehow he released me from his grip. I stumble out of his arms and open my eyes to see Kenny on the ground while his followers run off through the crowd. I look up to see a hand. I put my hand on the hand and they pull me up. "Are you okay?" I hear the familiar accent that I rely on so very much. Liam.

I brush off my skirt then look up at him. "Im f-fine," I stutter and he gives me a smile. A sweet one. "Okay. Lets get you class," he slowly says while grabbing my hand into his. I smile then look towards Kenny who is laid out on the ground, groaning. "What did you do?" I ask while we walk away. "I have to protect my little sister don't I?" he winks towards me and I roll my eyes. Even though he is a month older then me doesn't make me little. "Well I was walking down the hall and saw Kenny and his group so I knew there was trouble." he says while we turn a corner. "So walked up towards them and I heard your voice so I got angry and grab him off of you," he does a hand movement of how he did it. "And after I pulled him off I kicked him in the groin," he grins proudly at how he handled his fellow football player.

"Thank Li," I thank him and he smiles down at me. "No problem Bea," he says then he stops at a door. I look over and see that we had stopped at my chemistry class. We say our goodbyes then I walk into class while he walks off to his class. I head to my desk next to Samantha and Maggie. Miss Sebastian is seated at her desk on her computer while the whole class 'mingle' with each other. "What took you so long Hollie?" Samantha asks while propping her chin on her intertwined fingers. Well I almost got rapped by Kenny your boyfriend. I have to make up a lie... Ummm. "My l-locker was jammed?" I tell almost in a question and she nods slightly. I push up my glasses then pull out my chemistry notebook.

"Now class. Settle down." Miss Sebastian instructs and everyone listens to her, surprisingly. "Get out your notebooks and do the bell ringer," she points towards the board with her meter stick. I open up my notebook, finding a clean page to write the work down. I look up at the board to see the bell ringer written in bold letters on the whiteboard.

'How many electrons and protons are in Hydrogen?'

Well this is easy. It's 1.

I write down my answer down then shut my notebook while putting the mechanical pencil on top of it. I sit back and look around seeing that I am the first person finished. "Pst. Hollie." I hear Maggie whisper from right next to me. I turn my head towards my brunette friend. "What?" I whisper back and she leans I  closer. "What happened this morning with Kenny? You know Samantha will flip knowing you were with her boyfriend!" she whisper yelled towards me not to loud to have Samantha to hear.

I furrow my eyebrows together. What the? Does she think I was trying to hook up with Kenny? That is bull. "Maggie you really think that?" I ask and she shrugs. "That's what I saw," she then looks back down at her paper. "Well you saw wrong. Kenny was trying to force himself on me and Liam came and helped me." I whisper and she slowly nods.

She then gives me a small smile. "I do believe you but be careful. You might loose a friend,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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