ONESHOT!!! ???

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Suigetsu was on a personal mission. He had no idea why they sent HIM on this mission and not Jugo. But he just went along with it.  Besides, this means he's gaining Sasuke's trust right?

On his way back, he passed another route, awfully close to the gates of Kohona. Surprisingly, he saw a crow. Sasuke's crow. What the hell is it doing here?

He always had his suspicions about Sasuke but this was just- weird .  He successfully maneuvered over the gates without notice, not surprising. The dorks they put as guards must've been sleepy upon duty. Too bad, he was having fun anyways. As he slowly followed the crow, he thought if the many possible reasons Sasuke put his crow in the village.
Was he secretly tracking the progress of his enemy? The jinchuriki is it? Well that seems more reasonable and expected of Sasuke. But what if it was something else?

What if it was.... A girl?

The crow stopped at the window of an apartment, took a peek then flew away. A minute later, Suigetsu was still contemplating on whether or not to take a peak.

Eventually he settled on peeking. Obviously.
I mean who would want to miss out on am opportunity like this?
Not him though.

The rooms were disarrayed, as if someone through a tantrum or something. But then he noticed the team 7 picture lying flat on the ground and picked it up. It wasn't broken, surprisingly. He sat a pink haired girl, the jinchuriki and Sasuke.

'So this must be the girl's house!' Suigetsu thought. Instead of proffering ways to help the girl, all he could think of at the moment was that Sasuke had a weak spot, which was apparently her. But he wouldn't pry into Sasuke's life. Not too much though. He was about to ransack the girl's photos but heard a simple: "Hey you! What are you doing there?"

That was his queue to leave.

Sasuke sensed his messenger bird drawing close. His excuse of sending it to Kohona was to track the progress of Naruto and others in Kohona. Everything seemed normal from what he could see through the crow, well except one thing...

Sakura's not home.

He contemplates on he matter and informed his crow to check if she was sent on any mission. The result:


So where could she be?
The scene at her house wasn't exactly a pleasant one though. Something must've ticked her off... Maybe she left to find somewhere to chill for a while. Seems like something Shikamaru will do though.

It's like her chakra signature just disappeared miraculously. He had a thought, but it dissipated as soon as it arrived. He thought if using Suigetsu to track her but he'll laugh his ass off if Sasuke told him to look for a girl. His exact words will be : 'I never knew you had a weak spot, Sasuke-sama... ' (insert teasing grin) 

Some seconds later, he felt a spark. It was small, but it was there. He followed after it like he was on some kind of lost puppy chase but when he reached his destination -where the spark was felt most - it vanished . 

Just great.

He took in his surroundings carefully, trying to assess of this was a trap. But he found nothing but a trail of cherry blossom petals . Wierd, he thought. But he walked along to see where the trail led him to. But it stopped. Again. And this time he  thought he had a lead on where -


They were everywhere. In the wind, in the trees , swifting along him, everywhere .

And there  lay the one he was looking for. The other blossoms formed some kind of protective dome around her, but when he came closer , it allowed him in. He hadn't seen Sakura for a while now but she sure looked prettier than the last time he saw her. He gently cupped her face and kissed her forehead and slowly walked away. The cherry blossoms wrapped around her once again and he looked back one last time, then vanished , leaving no trace of his presence than a feather which was wrapped around a cherry blossom.


Sakura felt a weird sensation on her forehead when she woke up. She had a really weird dream, but waking up in a cherry blossom field wasn't unusual to her. Inner takes her there whenever she needs a break. 

But that dream. And her forehead feels weird too. Like it had been kissed or something. And there she saw it. The thing that made her even more faint. A feather. And it had a blossom wrapped around it. 

Yup, she was totally dreaming.

My fave ship 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😘😘😘😘😘😘 I just remembered how much I LUV Sasusaku and then this came around.

Don't forget ( I believe I forgot to put this😂😂😂)



                     LEXYYYY 😘😘😘😘

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