Chapter 2: I don't want to marry him!

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Y/N pov

Good morning Y/N! *you said to yourself* Ok I need to prepare now for today's celebration. I'm really excited.

After preparing...

Ok time to wear my dress.

I'm just gonna put the gift in my car anddd

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I'm just gonna put the gift in my car anddd... there ahhh. Ok lets go!

At BTS's dorm...

Ok let me go doorbell *doorbells* (Suga: Oh hi Y/N come in!) Thanks! (Suga: Guys! Y/N is here!). (Jin: Oh Y/N come here and have some food!) Thanks Jin! (Jin: No problem.)

Oh hey Y/N welcome to our celebration! Oh Jungkook hi! How's the food? Its so good who cook this? Me. Really?! It taste so good! Thanks! By the way congratulations guys for winning the award of Best Music Award. Thanks Y/N! Oh right I'm just gonna go to Taehyung ok? Sure!

(Seojun: Y/N there you are! By the way I need to tell you something.) Oh what is it? (Seojun: You see... in our company and in Bangtan's company... We both company thinks it's unfair to have to have different amount of money all the time... so both company are planning for... you and Jungkook to get married. By force.

WHAT NO WAY! IM NOT MARRYING MY FRIEND! (Seojun: Sorry Y/N its been decided by both companies, and there is nothing you can do about it.) DID YOU TELL JUNGKOOK ABOUT THIS ALREADY? (Seojun: Not yet... but I'm telling him after 3 days. Because this is not the right time to tell it to Jungkook. I'm giving him a chance to be happy for 3 days.) BUT WHY BOTH COMPANIES NEED JUNGKOOK AND I TO GET MARRIED! (Seojun: So both companies will have the same amount of money forever.) THIS IS SO STUPID! JUST BECAUSE OF MOMEY YOUR GONNA FORCE MARRIAGE US! (Seojun: Im sorry Y/N. But if you don't get married you will lose your carrier and Jungkook's.) WHAT?! (Seojun: Its been decided Y/N and the decision will never change.) THIS IS JUST SO UNEXPECTED!

I can't continue this celebration... if I'm thinking about this now. I'm just gonna go to RM and tell that I will leave.

(RM: Oh hey Y/N are you enjoying?) RM I'm sorry but I have to leave. I'm sorry. There are just complicated things in my mind. I can't stay here for long. I'm very stressed. (RM: Oh really... well Y/N I understand your decision. I'm just gonna tell the maknae's and hyung's about this. There gonna be really sad.) I'm sorry but I just can't take the stress anymore. Bye guys. (RM: Bye... *sad face*)

At home...

I really can't believe this! I'm gonna marry Jungkook by force. I'm sure his reaction when Seojun tell him about the marriage... I just don't know. I need to take a rest for awhile.

4 hours later...

*phone ringing* Huh who is this. Hello? (V: Hey Y/N its V, I heard that you left the celebration. I just want to know why.) Oh because I'm very stressed. There are a lot of complicated things in my mind that I can't handle so I just went home and take a sleep. (V: Oh ok. I just called you to know if your ok.) Awww thanks V!

Few minutes later...

You know what I'm gonna call Jungkook so we can have some happiness after 3 days. *calls Jungkook* Hey Y/N! Hey Jungkook. So I just wanna tell you that can we hangout for a bit like lets go to the mall, park somewhere. Are you free today? Oh yes I am free. By the way sure we can hangout. You can bring someone with you or if u want you can bring your hyungs with you I'll treat all of you at any place you want to go. I just really need to hangout with someone today and tomorrow. How about another tomorrow? It's not gonna be a fun day after 3 days. Why is there something gonna happen? What is it. I can't tell you now kookie. Lets not think about this first and tell your hyungs we're gonna hangout. Ok. Bye kookie. Bye.

I'm really sorry kookie I can't tell you now... *you said to yourself*

Jungkook pov

Hyungs. Y/N told me that we're gonna hangout today! (J-Hope: *dancing* Oh yeah! Oh yeah!) So you guys prepare now. (RM: Hold on Jungkookie... what did you say? I said Y/N told me that we will hangout today. (RM: *happy* finally im not gonna be bored anymore. We're hanging out with Y/N!) Im just gonna call here again ok. *calls Y/N*

Y/N pov

*phone ringing* Hello Kookie? Hello ummm can we do a road trip over night? Sure! Anything you guys like. Ok bye. Bye Kookie.

I guess they're getting ready now...

20 minutes later...

Jungkook pov

Hyungs are you ready? (J-Hope: Yes were ready! Now lets go to Y/N's house.) Ok guys.

Y/N pov

Since its a road trip over night I'm going to wear a comfortable clothes.

Few minutes later...

*doorbell rings* Oh who is it? *opens door* Oh hi Y/N we're ready for the road trip. Oh really guys you didn't have to go here. (Suga: Nahhh its ok. We're just really excited for the trip. We haven't gone any to any places this week.) Oh ok lets go guys.

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