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I saw Jess do this
(Follow her JessicaCiane)
And I thought I might as well

I saw Jess do this(Follow her JessicaCiane)And I thought I might as well

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Dear Ex...
Fuck you, you stupid little cunt whore
In the one week I needed you the most you decide to destroy the final piece of faith I had in people in general.

But I must thank you because after you fucked me over I found out who were my true friends, my true brothers and sisters
Now I have friends who will die for me and I will die for them

So thank you
But still fuck you

Dear Self.

What the fuck happened?
Where has the happiness we once had gone?
I know we're slowly repairing
But it seems like it's too slow
I know that they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
But I would never wish this shit on anyone

But hey that's life... I'm just talking to the hollow reflection of myself
But fuck it
My music is helping
My true friends are helping me
And all my readers are as well

So to myself, I don't know where life is gonna take us
But I can promise that through the trials and tribulations, shit will be okay.


ear Mom and Dad

I'm for every time I shouted at you or ignored you.
I'm sorry for not being the best son you deserve
I'm sorry for wasting my life away.
I know you want me to achieve
I know you want the best for me

I'm thankful for the sacrifices you've made for me and my brother and sister
We may not have a lot of money but we have enough to get by and I want to thank you both

Dear Former crush...

I'm doing fine now, you said to me you loved someone else
But still told me to keep my head up and I'll find love
And guess what I did
So thank you.

Dear School/Uni

I swear you're gonna be the death of me soon.
But without you I'd have never met friends that have become like family to me
And i would have never found Wattpad.

So thank you
But seriously calm yo' tits with the work 😂

Dear siblings

I love you both like seriously
I know we might fight and fuck around but I swear if someone is fucking with you call me and I'll fuck them up
I'll sort them out, let no bitch hold you down.

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