Starry Night

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aka the one where they get all *soft* under the stars in New Zealand (๑>◡<๑)


There's something about looking up at the stars that has always been so romantic. Was it the idea of us being 'a speck of dust within the galaxy' that appealed to us? Or the moment spent cuddled close to that one person you love, not paying mind to anything else in the world?

Although cliché, it was undeniably beautiful laying under the stars with Yongsun's head against my chest and my arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her as close as possible. New Zealand's night sky was unlike anything I've ever seen, it was my first time to see the stars splashed across the dark canvas.

I felt lucky and whole; to be surrounded by so much beauty when I looked up to the heavens and here on earth to the girl right next to me. It made me marvel at all the little things that had to fall into place to get to that exact point in time.

"Have you heard of the multiverse theory?" I ask. Vaguely recalling the time I dragged her to watch a documentary about it with me, which of course she fell asleep on.

Not a lot of people knew but I've always had a soft spot for anything astronomy-related —the sun, the moon, the stars. It's funny when you think about it, maybe something even like fate. I, who am literally called the moon & star, would fall in love with the girl who is the sun.

"Of course! Songs usually have multiple verses plus the chorus or the bridge," Yongsun attempts to say with a straight face and fails miserably. "Honestly Byul-ah, and you call me Yeba?"

I laugh right along with her, poking a finger to her cheek and saying, "Ya! Don't be a smartass, unnie!"

She rolls your eyes at me anyway before leaving a tender kiss on my lips. Only to pull away whilst stroking my cheek to say, "Isn't that one of your science things? What's it about?"

"Some scientists believe that universes other than the one we're in now, exist. Beyond the speed of light, through a blackhole —there could be another us. Or there could be ones wherein we don't exist at all, or only one of us does," I explain to her slowly.

She lays still against me then; quiet and unmoving. I so desperately wanted to see inside her beautiful mind, to know the thoughts mulling in her head as she furrows her brow and pouts.

And then she spoke again, this time in a quiet but firm tone, "I don't like that theory."

Yongsun says it with such conviction akin to a petulant child and I can't help but laugh.

"Aww! Why not, baby?" I ask, anticipating her answer to be nothing short of profound.

"Because I can't imagine living in a universe where you don't exist. I don't want to," was her simple reply.

And I swear to god, my heart melted. I thought I was the greasy one in this relationship?

Then she spoke again; leaving me more in awe, ever more in love with her. Kim Yongsun never fails to amaze me everyday since we've met.

"Of all the moments in time I get to live in, all the lives I could've led, and I'm lucky enough to have the one with you in it, Byul-ah," she says slowly, turning her head to look me in the eyes. "Everything that has led to this moment, the good and the bad, it's brought me to you."


  A/n: loosely based on my kaylor oneshot called 'stargazing' heheh

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