// chapter 8//

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chapter 8. the sound of your heart

Jisoo's P.O.V

i walked down the hall ways, going to the recording studio. as opened the door, jungkook was in there together with producer joohyun who was busy doing something on the computer. "hello, kim jisoo!" jungkook teased. what does this guy want from me? he's really getting into my nerves again.

"don't bother him. he's just messing around. here are the lyrics for your next track. have you memorized it?" producer joohyun said.

i can't stand this guy's presence. i feel uncomfortable when he's here. "yeah, i memorized them." i answered. "okay. scan them for a second and tell me when you're ready." she said. i sat at the couch behind learning about my lyrics. jungkook suddenly sat beside me. "kim jisoo." he whispered. i just ignored him. they said that if someone is bothering you, just ignore them and they will stop. "kim jisoo." he whispered again and ignored him.

"kim 'pretty' jisoo." he whispered.

"ah! would you please stop!" i shouted. producer joohyun got shocked and spilled a bit of her coffee on her pants. "what's wrong? why are you yelling?" she asked.

"the line. there's 'would you please stop!' line here." i said.

"ah! okay." she said and went back to what she's doing. seriously, this guy is annoying. suddenly, someone's phone rang. i took my phone out of my pocket but no one's ringing. jungkook took his phone and it was his phone that was ringing. "hello?" he answered and went outside to answer the call. it sounded important since he went really serious when he answered the phone call. "jisoo, are you ready?" producer joohyun asked.

"ah, yeah." i said and went to the recording room. another day of recording new songs and endless practice for the debut. this what it feels like being able to debut. it's tiring and it will wear you out but it feels happy because your dream is finally happening and also i feel nervous about it. i still have big worried about my debut. what if they cancel it? what if don't do well on my debut?

after recording the two songs and adding ad-libs on the other songs, we finally finished. a little bit of editing and my debut album is done. i feel productive today. after that, i got inside my van and went home. as i got home, i went straight to my bed and just lie down.

*ring* *ring*

i took my phone out of my bag and it was mom who was calling. i quickly answered it. it's been almost since i talked to mom. i really mom and taejoon. i miss my hometown. "mom! how are you? i really miss you, mom!" i said.

"omo! my jisoo! i'm fine. how are you? it's been a month since you called us. i really miss my little princess." she said.

"mom, stop calling me little princess." i said.

"aigoo! that's what your dad would call you if he was alive. anyways, how's training? when will you debut?"

"mom, just wait for a few months and your daughter will debut. believe in me, mom!"

"i will. i do believe in you."

"by the way, where's taejoon? how is he?"

"he's already sleeping. he really missed playing with you."

"me too."

anyways, it getting late now. get some lots of rest and always eat healthy, okay?"

"okay, mom."

"i love you."

"i love you too, mom."

"i'll go now."

the sound of your heart  /  sookook (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now