A true story 💕

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Let's say you're a 13 year old girl 

It's a normal day and you wake up early in the morning u get dressed and ready you go into the kitchen and you grab some food. Then you're pregnant sister comes into the kitchen and tells u to hurry up. You get on the bus and you talk to you friends all of the sudden you're almost to school but you stop at a house right before school and here comes the boy you like he's shorter then u and has blond hair and blue eyes. You stare at him and he doesn't notice. You get off the bus and he says hi to you you're heart skipps two beets. You go to you're locker and grab you're stuff for your first class math of course 😐 . Everyone thinks you're ok and but really on the inside your not.

The bell rings your on your way to next period art class u see the boy you've known since kindergarten 

You see a girl you've know and though was you're friend flirting with him you relize you have feelings for him you've liked him since fifth grade and for three years straight now you've liked him. You're friend teases you about him and she's comes up behind you and scares you she's says who are u going to pick and you say no one 

All of the sudden one of the guys you like knows you like them 

That it for now I'll update this later 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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