21. The Escapade

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I watch as Aakir walks the length of the room, his expressions glum as he talks on the cellphone. I recall the days only sometime back, when I would find Aakir’s behavior regarding Silvia to be over-the-top endearing. But watching Aakir now, his sorrow as clear as day as he converses with Silvia who is not by his side anymore, I suddenly find myself relating to the situation. No, I do not imply that I have suddenly started having mushy feelings over Neal. It’s just that the absence of his aura has not only taken away the goodness he was supplying, but also the innate goodness that I had been exhibiting. Also, it’s just weird to spend so many hours without his snide remarks or without seeing his nerdy nose buried in a book.

It’s tremendously peculiar to notice such small things are looking so big suddenly. Especially when only slightly over a month has passed since mine and Neal’s friendship has blossomed. And it’s strange how so many things are taken for granted by us. Even my bitter banters with Neal seem attractive as of now. For someone like Aakir, who has been more than excited to accept his partner and make her a part of his life for a permanent term, he must be having much more difficult time than me. But then again, he at least has the surety that he will be seeing Silvia again. With my partner stuck with an Occultist…I really do not know what to think.

Aakir sighs loudly as he disconnects the phone. He glances at me, catches my dejected stance and sighs again.

I discreetly roll my eyes.

“He’ll be fine.” Aakir mutters as he walks to sit beside me on the bed. “He is a tough cookie. He’ll manage till we reach him.”

“I know he can manage.” I say, inwardly sighing. I am not worried about Neal getting traumatized or anything. He may be helpless, but he certainly isn’t someone who is mentally weak and definitely not someone who would break upon finding no solution to his predicament.

Aakir hums, “Kind of weird, huh? Makes me wish we hadn’t turned up in this Realm. It seems to be bringing only ill luck and lots of unpleasant surprises.”

“We didn’t have an option. We couldn’t exactly hide in some corner of the world.”

“World doesn’t have a corner.” Aakir weakly jibes back.

I am feeling even more tired than him, so I do not respond to his lame attempt at humor. Aakir takes my silence to be a sign of the worry I am feeling for my partner. He sighs loudly again.

“We’ll get him.” Aakir says with determination, bumping his shoulder with mine.

I frown, glancing at him from the corner of my eyes, “I am not a kid. Stop pestering me like mom.”

Aakir chuckles, then sighs again. I find myself getting irked by how much he is sighing.

“How is Silvia doing?” I ask, hoping for a distraction.

“Not good.” Aakir mutters, “She had been so happy today in the morning…She had also talked to her mother in the morning, informing her that she is planning to look for courses in Russia…and it seemed like everything would be perfect. We’ll stay here for some time. Silvia will do some part time short course. Faith and Rahul will enjoy their vacation. Mother and Nina aunt would join our family business for the term. And when Neal’s issue will pass by smoothly, we’ll all return to our country in good spirits and try our best to resume our lives. Now everything’s shattered because of one bitch.”

I deeply exhale, letting my head fall back and rest against the head board of the bed. What Aakir is describing seems like a distant dream now. But I try to be optimistic. I try to envisage a future in Latvia where we all are again settled peacefully and completing our last year of high school.

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