Prologue - The Stars that laid upon the sky

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The light of the fire flickered under the moonlight as Sam continued his storytime. His voice was low and he tried to sound mystic but ended up sounding more weird than anything else: "You know a long time ago, when the world was still ruled by kings, people used special abilities to gain power." Some of the kids frowned and started whispering to each other but Sam continued anyways. "They fought for dominance and the bravest and strongest ones were to rule over a certain area. The kings were feared for their powers and tried to gain more and more in order to enlarge their area. The world was a battlefield and everyone was scared to death. They could loose everything every moment, every second. But in between the gifted were people without powers, the ungifted, or untalented. They were looked at with disgust and discriminated against." He stopped his story and made a dramatic break. I rolled my eyes at him and could see that some of the kids were doing the same. They knew the story, how could they not? Some of them jumped in surprise when Sam raised his voice again to gain everyone's attention. "But without anyone knowing they held the key to destroy the world as it was and eventually they did. They passed on the powerless gene and with this, throughout the centuries, the abilities and powers slowly disappeared and with them the faith in them." I leaned at the tree behind me while observing the kids. They were bored to death. Fiddling with the hem of his shirt, Mason, known as the troublemaker of the class, said something like: "As if no one would belive in them anymore" and chuckled at his comment as he raised his eybrow. Immediately he earned a death glare from Sam for it before said one went on. "At least mostly, since there were myths about a group of them that still exists. A group of people that are still able to use powers freely but hide it from the world. A group of people that keeps to themselves. But no one knows were they are or if they truly exist, or whether magic and powers even existed a long time ago." He stopped his story and took a deep breath. Before he went on Sam looked each of the kids in the eyes. A smile crept it's way to my lips as I found it funny since he always told this, completely serious, to the new fifth graders when they had their school trip to the outside world and barely anyone paid attention each time. "It is said that they have a place we're they live, they created their own society somewhere but no one knows were exactly this place could be. It's called Olessiya." But he didn't care. He loved this story. "There is no evidence though but people have been searching for a long time. It is said that they have a library full of old books about the times were magic was normal to the world and about so much more the untalented nowadays could only dream about." At the end it was our story. I looked at the stars as Sam went on about how the untalented are always trying to find Olessiya and the people that live there. The stars always amazed me every time we came out here. "But why did they hide themselves from the untalented anyways?" Tommy, one of the little kids, asked out of the blue. I padded the boy on the head, not sure if it was okay for me to do so or if he felt uncomfortable with it but did it nonetheless befor replying to him: "Because the untalented were scared of their powers and when their numbers rose they chased the gifted away. It's still dangerous for us to be out here but our principal still managed to make it possible for us. Thanks to him all fifth graders are able to get out for one time and spent three days in the world of the ungifted. This is also the reason why we are not allowed to use our skills, since the ungifted would be scared of us." Sam was lightly shaking his head in order to tell me not to scare the kids too much, so I decided to just cut it short: "Stay safe when we are out in the town tomorrow and don't get lost." He was overprotective as always. Then he spoke up again: "Don't worry about tomorrow, just follow the rules and everything will be fine." He smiled at them before their home room teacher came to us and told the kids to go to sleep. You could tell by their annoyed and disappointed faces that they wanted to stay out a little bit longer but under the strict stare from Mrs Conelly they still did as told and headed towards their tents.

"I need to talk to you two for a moment." Mrs Conelly said. She didn't wait until we could give an answer and went on: "About tomorrow's schedule. We are going to eat at 9 am so please be ready half an hour earlier to help wake the kids up and settle some stuff. At around 10 o'clock we're heading out to the nearby city. It's the same as usual, no dramatic changes, so you should know the surroundings." We nodded, then she spoke up again: "Since Mr Hulskes is sick I would like to assign a group to you two, is that okay?" When I saw Sam already nodding in excitement I couldn't help but smile. "That's great, I knew I could count on you." Meanwhile she ruffled trough Sams and my hair and told us that we would meet again at around 5pm at the little fountain in the middle of the marketplace and that everything else would be settled tomorrow morning. Then she gave us a warm smile before sending us to bed as well.

"Tomorrow will be great!" I said to Sam while already thinking about some places we couldn't go to. He turned around, grinning from ear to ear and i knew he was making plans. But there was a problem. "It's kind of annoying that we are in charge of the kids though. I mean we could have went to the bar Mr Thomson showed us and hang out there and stuff. You still know it, right? The little one at corner wellstonstreet and grengeralee?" I thought about the evening we went there, it had been the first time out of our society. "Of course I remember, how could I not? Whatever liquid it was that he drank back then, he was so weird afterwards. I mean he almost ended up using his ability." The memory caused me to chuckle and Sam was laughing as well. "But still, I don't see why this would be so bad. I mean, that we are in charge of the kids." My laughing died down at that exact moment stuck in my throat. His expression wasn't even sad. He seemed happy about it. Did he really rather want to look over the kids than just play around the city with just the two of us? "I mean sure we can't go to places like this, but we can make it more fun for the kids." But either way we didn't have a choice so I simply put on a smile while listening to Sam making plans for tomorrow. We thought a lot about the places we went to throughout the years and what we found the most funny and instresting but most of the things we ended up with were copied from our
home room teacher. He was a great person and the reason for us being able to help with the trips each year. From time to time other students went along as well but they never did it more than once and we were alone again to help watch over the kids. Sam was sad that Megan, a girl of our class that went along last year, didn't go again. He didn't understand why, in his words, "his source of happiness" would rather stay in school to study than to join the two of us on our adventure. But to be honest she was right and we shouldn't be here either. It was our last year of school which meant that it was really important for our future. After all it would decide which jobs we would get to choose from. If I had the right to choose I would want to be a Guardian. No one knew exactly what they did but they were in charge of protecting our society and were allowed to enter the world of the ungifted freely. But not that it was up to me to decide that.

We stayed up pretty late, talked about random things after we finished making our plans for tomorrow until Sam fell asleep eventually. I wanted to sleep under the open sky and dragged Sam along with me so I just stared up at the stars until I heard a whine. I crawled out of my blanked and searched for the source until I found one of the girls roaming around the camp crying. She stumbled around, her eyes still hadn't adjusted to the dark completely. "Lucille, what's up? Aren't you able to sleep?" I asked her, while padding her head. She just buried her face into my shirt not bothering to give an answer. Hesitantly I placed my arms around her body and hugged her as well, tracing circles at her back in order to calm her a little. Bit by bit her sobs died down and soft sniffers were heard. Then she pulled away and I looked into her slightly puffed and red eyes. I bent down to her height and asked what was wrong. Her lips were trembling as she told me that she missed her mom and her dad. That she wanted to go home again. A tear rolled down her cheek and I wiped it away, slowly caressing her cheek. "Don't worry, we will be back in no time and then you will see them again. And you know, tomorrow will be so much fun that you won't even think about going back." It was hard to think of something to tell her in order to reassure her and get her to sleep again but i still tried my best. Sam would've known what to say in this kind of situation. "And if you go to sleep now then tomorrow will be even faster." She nodded slowly before speaking up again "Can I... can i stay with you t-tonight?" Her gaze was focused on the ground at her feet and her voice was almost unhearable. That she sniffed in between made it even harder to understand her, but i did eventually. An uneasy feeling came up my throat, not sure of how to react to that. Was it okay for me to do so? Was it even allowed? I nodded slowly while trying to reassure her with a smile. She followed me like a lost puppy and crawled next to me when I laid down. Lucille was like a koala, hugging my side so tight that i felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. I wished her a good night, hesitating to kiss her on the forehead. Was it weird for me to do so? At the end I did it nonetheless. "Thank you Josh" she whispered before the girl drifted to sleep. I laid there awake, gazing upon the sky while trying to make out the constellation of the stars my mother had told me about so often.

Hey guys.
I'm new to this and hope you like my prologue. I've worked on this story for some time and finally got the motivation to write stuff. Therefor thanks to changlixfix for tagging me, idk. Btw if you still want me to do the tag then pls comment.

Anyways I don't know how often I will be able to upload, I'm not a fast writer but I will do my best for you guys so please be patient with me.

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