Chapter 1

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The boy couldn't help but smile while his eyes caught yet another one of the advertisements. They were all around the city since the game started being topic number one in everyone's conversations. "DeltaRoyal, a game were the myths of old times come alive again." On each of them was one of the Masters posing on the battlefield as if they were fighting at the moment. A slight tingling feeling in his body made his heart skip a beat. Smiling, his gaze went back to the street that laid in front of him. The boy was on his way to the little skater park that he spend most of his time at. His brother once told him that this place is more of a home for him than his actual one since he spends more time there than at their house but he couldn't care less. In fact for today, he wasn't actually on his way to the park, he was just gonna stop by to pick up April.

When he finally reached the south entrance of the park he could already see her talking to the others at the fountain in the middel. It was their normal checkpoint and there would always be some of them lingering around. The boy approached them slowly and April waved at him as soon as she saw him, her brown eyes tinted with that golden spark he always loved to see. Exited she ran up to him, stumbled on her way so the boy needed to catch her. She just hugged him tight while he got some looks from the others. "Boy your late!", Tim stated, "as always." Said boy just rolled his eyes at the other while giving him a fist bomb as greeting. "And I won't stay for long either." The others looked at him irritated except April. She was lightly bouncing next to him while pushing a strand of her long curls back behind her ear. "Nath is going to take me to one of the games to see it live" He looked back at the girl who was practically beaming out of excitement as she gave him a wink and he couldn't help but smile. Jessi raised her eyebrow with a smirk plasters on her face: "Okay, have fun you two." He could see the others smiling as if they already knew what was going on. Nath just shrugged it off and turned around, starting to leave while pratically dragging April with him. She waved at them one last time before she adapted her own steps at his pace. When they were out of earshot of the others he raised his voice again: "You know the others think that i'm taking you on a date, right?" "Who cares?" She said completely unimpressed while shrugging. Then she beamed a smile towards the boy next to her while starting to bounce again. "Would you say the same if he would think that as well?" Nath grinned at the comment, knowing that she hated it whenever he mentioned the topic and regretted telling him about her crush in the first place. A smirk came across his face while following the girl, now with a light pink blush on her cheeks. But soon the evalish smile of the boy faded away: "Okay I get it. You're hyper." And once again April beamed a smile at the boy before he went on: "But stop it! Right now!" The annoyance, his voice was drained in, was clear but she didn't care. Nath stopped and gave her an death glare but she just kept her behavior, still bouncing and humming a song he didn't know as if she didnt hear him in order to annoy him more. But even though the quirky behaviour of his friend tugged at his nerves he couldn't help but finding himself lightly smile at the cuteness of the girl. After a moment she finally stopped and turned around, mumbling a short sorry while still giggling. He could never be mad at her for too long. Without waiting for a reply she went back to walking again. "What did I get myself into?" He mumbled while starting to walk again as well. And nonetheless it didn't take long for the girl to start humming again, even spinning around from time to time and Nath just ignored it. He could understand her in some way. It was her first time after all but still, he could practically feel the weirded-out looks from passerby piercing through his body.

When they finally reached the train station Nath let himself fell down onto one of the seets. April was still standing, balancing from her toes to her heels and than back again and checking every 10 seconds if the train arrived. "How long do you think does it take till the train gets here?" He looked up to her, one of his eyebrows raised in annoyance of the unnecessary question. He opened his mouth to tell her that she should just look at the scoreboard but she cut him off immediately with her next question: "How much time do we have there before the game starts?" "How many people do you think will be there today?. She kept on asking question after question and he didn't even bother answering anymore. She would never let him answer the question completely before asking another. In order to calm himself down a little, he plugged in one of his earphones, trying not to be rude to the girl but he just couldn't take it anymore.

When the train finally arrived she dragged Nath inside as fast as possible, not that the train would depart faster but she did it anyways. The boy just rolled his eyes at her. Shortly after the doors closed he could feel a slight vibration undederneith his feet and grabbed onto a handle in order not to fall. He already stretched out his second hand when the train began to move and the girl besides him stumbled and almost fell. He barely reached her arm and pulled her slightly to his side while signaling her to grab onto the handle as well and she did as told with an apologetic look plastered on her face.
Nath always loved train rides, they were calming and he could just listen to his music and relax. The problem was they were rather short, accept for this one. This specific one felt like painful long ten hours even though it was only about one and a half. The train ride was the complete opposite from what he used to love and he would have to get used to it. To his chagrin, the quirky girl next to him still didn't calm down and was talking to him nonstop. His music was playing through his Headphones and April was well aware of the fact that he didn't listen but she was too excited to care about it at the moment.

Still mumbling on about the event that they were going to, they exited the train and walked towards their destination. "There are so many advertisements of the game here. That's insane." The girl stopped in her tracks and a passerby almost stumbled into her. She apologised while still giggling and didn't bother the annoyed expression that the stranger gave her. "I mean they overdid it in our city already but this is just... just insane!", the girl was spinning around once more, her arms spread while she just laughed. For Others she probably looked insane as well but Nath new better than to point that out. He had no chance against her. Instead he just walked past her while signaling her to follow and she did.

After awhile they finally reached the tournament building. It was stunningly big and Nath didn't need to tun around to know that April had stopped. He was used to the sight so it wasn't as amazing as for the girl behind him. Even though April was there several times already, it was her first time while one of the big games was held. The the building was practically shining which could be because of the many spotlights that were focused on it. Banners of the different groups were hanging everywere which could be overwhelming at first but rather boring for Nath as he had been there several times already. "Yo! What's up you two?!" Nath exhaled heavily as he heard the voice of Oliver behind him. The older boy just meant more trouble and April was more than enough to handle at the moment. Soon he was pulled back by an arm wrapped around his neck while Oliver caught up to them. "Exited for the big game?" He asked with a grin. The question was directed towards April, of course, so Nath didn't bother answering and April didn't need to either. Her whole body language spoke for herself. The younger boy was trying to wiggle out of Olivers firm grip as he pulled out his phone to check again in wich room they would meet the others this time. "It's 28 and I know you know it too. I don't get why you always need to double check things?!" Oliver gave him an annoyed glare while holding the door open for the girl next to him. Nath just rolled his eyes at him: "Because I don't want unnecessary complications. You do remember the time we almost got kicked out because we went to the wrong room even though you assured me that it was the right one?" And once again this day an annoyed expression was plastered on Naths face while stepping inside of the entrance hall.

It was full,  as always. People were trying to get into the hall for the live streaming and he hated it. They had to fight their way trough all of these people to get to their meeting room at the other side of the hall. He watched as Oliver pulled April through the crowd of people and she gave him a beaming smile. Nath clutched his shirt in his hand while starting to find his way through the people as well. He kept his gaze at Aprils back, sometimes looking up at the sign of the hallway they were heading towards until someone bumbt into him. He could hear a faint apology but everything he did was looking around, searching for his friends.  Nonetheless the two were nowhere to be seen anymore. He felt lost. Taking some deep breaths he continued his way thought the room till he reached the other side and immediately left the room through the heavy metalic door.

So I know this took me awhile, I'm sorry but here's the first chapter~ have fun

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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