Drama shit

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A couple of weeks later...1990

"Hey Jen are you going to work today?"Michael asked me. "I don't feel like going right now",I said feeling obviously sick for some reason. "Oh..ok",Michael said in a disappointed tone. "Why?"I asked him. "Oh I was thinking maybe Jennifer,you and me could have breakfast together and talk",he said. "Wait today?"I asked him. "Yeah but since you're not feeling well,we'll do it some other time",he said. I didn't like Jennifer but she was still Michael's friend so I just said "Oh it's nothing it will go away,trust me"


"Is Jennifer almost here?"I asked Michael. Who was sitting on the sofa. "I don't really kno" said Michael before he was interrupted my someone knocking on the door. "I'll get it",I said. "Oh hi Jennifer",I said from the door looking at Jennifer who looked really nice in her blue outfit and too match it she wore lace blue heels. "Hi Jen",She said in a low voice. "Jennifer!",Michael said as he stood up from the sofa to greet Jennifer. "Hi Mikey",Jennifer said to Michael winking her eye at him and licking her lips. "Come in",I said to Jennifer to interrupt her from doing that. We sat down and had our breakfast no one said anything while we ate. When we were done Michael started a conversation with Jennifer then I joined it. "So Jen nice ring",Jennifer said to me in a low cold voice. "Thank you",I said while I held Michael's hand that was resting on the table. "We're actually engaged",Michael said to Jennifer,then he looked at me and smiled. Michael kissed my cheek,while he did that I saw Jennifer look at me with Cold eyes,she looked mad. Then I felt sick again,I wanted to throw up. "Um excuse me",I said. I hustled to the bathroom. I went in the bathroom and closed the door,I started throwing up in the sink. I had a guess at why I was throwing up. Not only throwing up. I had been dizzy and feeling really sick the past 5 days. And Michael and me had sex not too many weeks ago,I might be pregnant. I started crying,I was happy that maybe I could have a baby with Michael. The love of my life. I rinsed the sink well and washed my hands. Then Michael knocked on the bathroom door. "Come in",I said in a loud voice. "What's wrong?"Michael asked. "Michael I don't know what to tell you but..."I said to Michael. "But what?"he asked. "I might be pregnant!"I said happy. "Really?! I've always wanted to be a dad!"Michael said happy. He picked me up and kissed me. "I love you",I said to Michael staring at his shining brown eyes. "I love you too",Michael said. He put me down carefully and we went back to talking to Jennifer. "Is everything alright Mikey?"Jennifer said biting her lip and looking straight at Michael. "Yeah....I'm just going to be a dad!"Michael said to Jennifer. "WHAT!"Jennifer said shocked. "Yeah there might be a little baby in my belly right now!",I said to her tucking a hair behind my ear. "Are you Fucking kidding me right now?! I've liked you for a long time Michael and all of a sudden you propose to this strange girl and get her pregnant! I thought you liked me!You were always so nice to me and I just liked you! And now you like this ugly girl that's gonna be fat and ugly in a couple of months!"Jennifer said mad. "First of all I'm nice to a lot of people especially people that work for me.Second of all you will not disrespect my fiancé in my house!",Michael said truly mad. I was so dizzy right now that I could faint. "Mich-,I said before fainting. "Jen no!"I heard before passing out.

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