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The song for this chapter is...

- If You Don't Know by 5SOS (Of course)


      Over a week has gone by since I found Lucy in a pool of her own blood in the bathroom. Today was her memorial service and I stand towards the back of the church while the prayers are said. Someone brushes their shoulder against mine and stays where they are basically leaning on me. 

I look up and Ashton stands wearing a black shirt with black jeans. I roll my eyes, he can't even dress up for a funeral.

There is a moment of silence for Lucy and I can't help but peak up at Ashton only to find him looking back at me.

Even though he must know his way around the school by now, he still has me walk with him five minutes early to "find" his classes. In the end we end up going to my class first anyways. 

"You look really nice in that dress you know." He winks at me and I look down at my dress momentarily forgetting what I'm wearing.

"Oh, thanks. Truthfully it's my funeral dress, I only wear it to funerals." I let out a small laugh and Ashton smiles at me.

"What?" I smile back to him.

"Nothing just, how many funerals do you go to?" I look down and stop laughing.

He whispers my name and I look up with a fake smile on my face. Trying to hide my emotions on the inside.

"My uh, my sister died last year the same way that Lucy was killed." I clear my throat and Ashton's smile turns into a frown instantly. 

"Parker, I'm sorry. Shit, I shouldn't have asked." I grab his hand and squeeze it nodding.

"It's okay, I'm okay." I push back the tears as much as I can and wait until after the service is over and I'm in my car to cry.

I rest my head on the steering wheel and let the tears pour out of my eyes. I turn on the car taking a deep breath and begin to drive.

I wipe my eyes and try to focus on the road though it is hard because everything is blurry. I pull into my driveway minutes later and check myself in the mirror to make sure my eyes aren't red which they aren't. 

I walk out of the car and twenty other cars parked outside of my house, none of them are my parents and the music booming from the inside of the house leaves me to think one thing.

A party.

Perfect timing. I'm a mess and they are having a party at my house. I am going to kill Michael. I open the doors and push through until I reach Mikey's room.

I bang on the door before opening it. Mikey has a girl on his lap kissing all down his neck and his collar bones.

"Jesus Parker you could at least knock." He hands the girl her shirt and stands up.

"I did but you couldn't hear me over the music of the party that you are throwing. Where are mom and  Brian anyways?" I question him.

"Dad had a business meeting and decided to take Sharon to turn it into a romantic weekend so I am having a party and don't worry I locked your door so no one is fucking in your bed."

I flip him off and slam his door as I walk out to my room.

I almost scream when I see the tall guy in the corner of my room staring at my pictures on my dresser.

He turns around and I press my hand to my chest when I see that it's Ashton. "Jesus, you scared the shit out of me." 

He turns around and smirks. He walks up to me and presses his lips to mine aggressively. He caught me by surprise and I freeze for a moment but lace my fingers through his hair seconds later. He pushes my back against my bed and I lay back. I don't plan on giving him my virginity tonight. But a little make out won't kill anyone. 

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