The Long Second Life of Bree Tanner - Chapter One

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The Long Second Life of Bree Tanner
Chapter One
"Wait," the mind reader said loudly.
He turned to Carlisle and spoke quickly. "We could explain the rules to the young one. She doesn't seem unwilling to learn. She didn't know what she was doing."
"Of course," Carlisle said eagerly, looking at Jane.
"We would certainly be prepared to take responsibility for Bree."
Jane's face changed. Her face was no longer the smug, superior face that I was used to. She looked at Carlisle.
"We could make an exception just this once. We will spare her life in gratitude for your coven destroying the newborns," Jane said.
Everyone looked shocked, especially Carlisle and the big, brown haired vampire that was flanking Jane.
"But Jane -!" the brown haired vampire began, then was cut off.
He shouted in agony as Jane tortured him. His spasming body fell to the ground. Jane looked away.
"Aro doesn't have to know, Felix." she said commandingly, as if daring him to contradict her. "Get up, I'd like to go home."
The four cloaked vampires started walking to the edge of the clearing, past the burning bodies of my coven. Jane span around.
"Be warned. If she can't control herself, we'll be back."
Her blonde-haired head inclined slightly to me. Her barely concealed threat made me shudder.
I blinked, and the Volturi were gone.

Esme and Carlisle were the first to approach me. Jasper had left my side to stand with the small black-haired vampire girl. The mind reader and the human were standing together, although the human looked curiously at me through his arms. The massive black-haired vampire was kissing the tall vampire who had curly blonde hair. She was very pretty.
"Welcome, Bree. We hope that you'll be happy with us." Esme smiled, and I felt a surge of gratitude to the coven that had just saved my life.
"Thanks. For all of this," I said gratefully. I barely managed to speak; my heart ached for Diego.
Suddenly, Jasper was standing next to me. He looked confused. The black-haired vampire was beside him. She looked at me curiously.
"Why are you sad?" he asked, genuinely curious.
"A few days ago, Riley killed my...." I struggled to find a word for him. BFF? Ninja buddy? Something more?
"I believe he was your mate," said Jasper softly.
"What's that? And how did you know that?" I questioned, thoroughly confused.
"Jasper can sense and manipulate emotions," said the short vampire who was next to Jasper.
"Wow," I whispered, realising that he was the cause of my unrequited rage earlier.
"What's a mate? What does that mean?" I asked, confused again.
"Your mate is your soulmate. You'd do anything for them. You love them and only them. It's extremely hard, basically impossible, to be away from them." said Esme, looking at Carlisle.
I realised that Diego was my mate- this is why it hurt so much knowing that he was dead. I'd known him for only a week, but I'd loved him while only vaguely aware of it.
Jasper looked at me sympathetically as he sensed my emotions.
"I'd better go," Carlisle announced. They all nodded slightly and Carlisle took off through the bushes. I wondered where he was going.
I looked at the vampire standing next to Jasper. You could tell that she was his mate just by how they stood next to each other. He protectively stood in front of her, ready to shift into a crouch at any second. His arm was holding her waist tightly and she was relaxed in his arms.
She was very pretty, with her small, pixie-like face and black hair. Her yellow eyes shone in the dull sunlight that shone into the clearing. Suddenly, her eyes went unfocused and she slouched slightly in Jasper's arms.
"What is it, Alice? What do you see?" Jasper asked frantically.
"It's Jake. He's screaming. Carlisle's breaking all his bones." she said in a vague tone, her eyes still unfocused.
I heard a slight groan from the human, then I heard the mind reader reassuring her that it was going to be okay. My head hurt from being so confused. I didn't want to look at the one they called Bella. My throat was still burning.
"You might want to take her back to the house," said Alice suddenly, nodding at me.
Jasper moved closer to me and grabbed my arm.
"Emmett," he called.
The big, black-haired vampire who must have been called Emmett was at my side in an instant, as well as his blonde haired mate.
"Let's go," commanded Jasper, pulling my arm. I definitely didn't underestimate how strong he was.
My instincts told me to snatch my arm away and fight, but I knew that I wouldn't do it. I cared too much already for Carlisle and Esme.
Jasper looked at me and said, "don't even think about making a break for it, Bree."
How does he do that, I wonder incredulously.

We walked for a few kilometres. I knew Jasper didn't want to run, even though it would be much faster.
Jasper held my arm, never loosening his grip. I could tell that his reflexes would be even quicker than mine if I tried to run away.
Emmett and the blonde woman walked behind us. I knew Emmett was there in case I decided to run for it and kill Bella.
The burning in my throat hadn't dulled at all and I knew that if I had stayed in that meadow a few minutes longer I would have attempted to kill her. However, I was fascinated by the mind reader vampire; the one with the reddish brown hair. He could wrap his arms around her and be around her all the time and not kill her. How? Just the thought of her heart beating next to my chest, her pulse pumping, her delicious, warm blood flushing her cheeks when she blushed....
"Bree." said Jasper sharply.
"Sorry," I mumbled. "How much longer? Where are we even going?" I asked Jasper.
"We're here," he announced as we walked out of the forest and onto a driveway.
At the end of the driveway was a massive white house. From what I could see, there was a glass wall that covered the whole side of the house. A few miles away from the house, I could hear a river flowing smoothly.
We walked up to the massive house and went through the front door.
The house was not what I expected; it had natural light, it was open and airy. I guess I was so used to dark shadows and cramped basements.
We walked into what looked like a living room; it had white couches, a television, and a black grand piano in the corner. I wondered vaguely who could play it.
"This is our home," said Jasper. "This is one of the only places where we can be ourselves."
He gave me a quick tour of the house and all of its bedrooms: they were all very open and all had very big windows.
It was clear that this coven knew that they wouldn't shrivel up and die in the sun.
We walked back into the lounge room. Jasper told me to sit and so I did.
The only people in the house were Jasper, Emmett, his mate and I.
"I'm sure you have alot of questions," Jasper began. My mind started to race.
I will tell you anything you want to know, but I'd prefer to do it when everyone else gets here."
"When will they be here?" I asked, burning with curiousity.
"Edward has to drop Bella somewhere, then everyone should be here. The others are cleaning up the bodies."
"Okay," I said, instantly impatient. I tapped my feet.
Emmett and his mate walked in.
"Don't be rude, Jazz. Won't you formally introduce us?" said Emmett in his loud, booming voice. It matched him perfectly.
Jasper rolled his eyes.
"Bree, as you already know, this is Emmett."
Emmett waved cheerfully, unfazed.
"This is Rosalie."
I only just realised truly how perfect Rosalie is.
Of course all vampires are "pretty", but she's something else. Her blonde curly hair flawlessly flows down her shoulders, and she stands with perfect grace and posture. She looks smug, not unlike Jane. She must know how perfect she is.
She barely even looked in my direction. She looked furious.
Why is she mad? I wondered. An awkward silence followed.
The only thing I could concentrate on in the silence was the burning in my throat.
Finally, finally, the others arrived. They walked in one by one; first Edward, then Alice, then finally Esme and Carlisle. Their footsteps were soft; I could only just hear them. Alice's were the lightest.
Immediately, Jasper relaxed. He went over and stood next to Alice.
"You do look impatient," Carlisle chuckled.
"I just have a few questions," I mumbled quietly. Being around new vampires and in a new environment overwhelmed me a bit. I'd been through so much in the last 24 hours.
"Okay, let's start," Carlisle said.
"This is our story," he began.

Carlisle spoke for about an hour. He talked about all of the family members, their diets, their life before turning into a vampire, the Volturi, the coven member's relationships, their talents, and why they chose to live compassionately. It was all simply fascinating. I never knew that there was another way to live this life.
I started to notice different things about the Cullens. How Alice and Jasper moved like magnets, how Jasper often liked to study Alice's face, how in love Carlisle and Esme are, how Rosalie and Emmett are very flambuoyant about their relationship. It was also so strange how you could just think of a question and Edward would answer it. I began to feel this strange feeling. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. That place was with the Cullens.

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