The Long Second Life of Bree Tanner - Chapter Two

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Chapter Two - The Hunt
I had to admit I was having fun with the Cullens. They had saved my life and given me a more "compassionate" way to live. There was one thing I couldn't ignore though; the thirst.
The last hunt I had done had been before the fight; I had been at the Cullens for two days now. I hadn't mentioned it to anyone but I was sure that at least Jasper and Edward knew.
On the third day, Jasper mentioned that he might go out hunting and that I was welcome to come. In these three days, the Cullens had begun to trust me more and more. Jasper still kept a constant surveillance on me; he was kind of like an annoying older brother. He said that I needed to exercise control and not kill any humans while I stayed with them.
It was so hard! In every moment where I wasn't doing anything, my thoughts would either go back to Diego or the constant, painful burn in my throat.
I waited all day and finally, they were ready to hunt. As well as Jasper and I, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Alice and Rosalie would be coming. Carlisle was working at the hospital.
We stepped outside and in half a millisecond we were flying; running of into the maze of overgrown green trees.
Jasper and Alice were at the front. They kept running and then suddenly they were up in the air, jumping over the river bank to the other side. I accelerated and threw myself into the air. I felt free and barely contained my laughing. Actual laughter!
We ran for at least a few kilometres. I just followed Alice's scent.
Finally, they stopped. I could hear hooves behind the bushes.
I knew that it was the sound of elk walking about a waterhole nearby. They had a musky sort of smell; it wasn't nearly as good as a human's. It was actually quite repulsive. My throat, however, burned and I knew that if I didn't drink this, I would break the rules and go for a human.
The Cullens clearly hunted often. They all got into a crouch and then flashed away, over the bushes and near the waterhole.
Jasper, of course, was the first to attack. He grabbed the biggest elk with one lazy hand and crushed its neck with his teeth. Then he sucked its blood, making me even more thirsty.
I sprinted for the second biggest elk and grabbed it. I could feel just how soft its fur was between my hard, granite skin. I tore its neck with my teeth and sucked.
The blood was definitely not enough. I drained it and threw it into a bush, looking for more.
It was then I heard it. The sound of massive paws thudding on the ground. A grizzly bear.
Emmett stopped. He heard it too.
I literally snarled, my lips pulled back behind my teeth. This prey was mine.
I took off through the bushes, my competitive vampire nature taking over. Emmett was on my heels. He may be the strongest, but I do have the upper hand. I'm a newborn.
I suddenly saw the bear. I leaped and flung my arms around its neck, crushing it. 
This blood was much, much better than an elk's. It was so filling. It still definitely wasn't as good as a human's, but it would do.
Emmett let out a small growl behind me as I finished the grizzly. I wouldn't have to have three guesses to know what his food of choice was.
"Nice, Bree. I haven't seen such a natural at hunting." He smiled. So the growl must have been his competitive nature getting the best of him.
I smiled back. "Thanks."
I still wasn't full yet, but the burning had subsided for now. I went and finished off a few more elk.
On the way back, my favourite part was Emmett getting pushed into the river by Rosalie after he called her blondie.
I laughed, the sound coming out of me so easily for the first time in forever.
I felt an unfamiliar emotion. Love?

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