Me And You Together

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Emily POV

After happened in the restroom with Beca I couldn't stop smiling at her and she couldn't stop smiling at me. After me and Skyler fixed Beca up we headed over to the where we practice and then Beca started teaching us some moves for our dance then gave us some vocal exercises to use if we aren't to sure if our voices weren't ready for singing. As we were having fun dancing and singing Beca then got a call so she walked out of the building and not so long after I went after her. When I got to her I heard she was asking someone for more and she seemed to be going through something, so when she finished the call I asked her "what happened?" Beca then looked at me with a sad look and said "I only just found out I have to work a new song on my own but I wasn't told about it and the song was due today" I went up to her and hugged her gave her a kiss on the cheek "hey if you still have time I could maybe help you with that" Beca then looked at me and said "well I was just given one more week, would that enough time?" I looked at her confidence "if I have you and you have me I'm sure we can give them something that will blow them away" Beca gave me a peck on the lips and sadi "well ok then, we should probably be back tot he Bellas" so grabbed her hand and lead her inside so she can teach us some more things to help us with our next performance.

After practice me and Beca went back to the Bellas house to get started on the colab up in my room while the other Bellas went out to a near by arcade for a bit "so Em what songs have written so far?" Beca said as I gazed into her beautiful eyes "well, I did just finish writing a duet just a week ago, wanna read the lyrics?" Beca seemed very interested in knowing what the song was about "ok, lets see what you got" I gave Beca the paper that had all of the words on it and she looked like she was really enjoying it "wow this is really good, it sort of reminds me of how we met" I stare at her with a smile "maybe because that's what the song is about us" Beca blushes and looks down trying to hide her red cheeks "really Em, this song is so far my favourite" then I start to blush as I lift her head so I can look into her beautiful brown eyes. me sat there for a while in silence and then the silence broke as Beca said "wanna go out for dinner, tonight" I look at her with a wide eyed smile "omg is Beca Mitchell asking me out?!" she gives me a toothy gin and says "maybe, if I were what would you say?" I looked at her with a cheeky smile and say "hmm, let me think about it for a moment... ya sure why not?" she smile and stands onto her two feet then offered me her hand which I willingly accepted then I got a jacket on then me and Beca got in her car and she started to drive.

Beca POV

Me and Emily got into the car and I decided to take her to one of my favourite restaurants, when we got there Emily looked at the place thinking it wasn't much but she hasn't seen anything yet. We walk into the restaurant and she became wide eye when she saw that the place was filled with Bellas stuff from photos to card board cut outs of all of the Bellas "surprise, I have been working on this place so every time I walk in here all these things remind me of my second family" Emily starts to get tears of joy coming to her eyes and she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek "I love it Beca!" so we took a seat then had a look at the menu, "wow this menu has a lot of choices I don't know what to chose!" Emily says as she scans through the menu clueless "that's ok I got something special I arranged in case I get to go on a date with the prettiest girl in the universe" then I give her a toothy gin "ok cant wait to see what you have planned for me" she then gives me a sexy smile which turned me on a bit. So when the waiter came to take our order I got the ham burger with fries and I told the waiter to give Emily the special meal then the waiter and I gave Emily a devious smile then the waiter went to tell the chef our order. While me and Emily were waiting for our food we talked about what has happened after I left barden and Emily really has been through a lot, I mean she had to deal with those two boys and the Bellas and all of the classes, I'm glad I got to help her "so those boys started harassing straight after we left, Em in so sorry" I say as I lay my had on her arm "Bec its ok, I'm glad you put them in there place" she then gave me a smile and I couldn't help but kiss her soft lips. We made out for about 3 minutes until our food arrived and when Emily saw what she was given, she had the biggest wide eyed smile I have ever seen "omg Bec its...its a... CHEESBURGER and the seeds spell my name!" I smile at her and laugh at her as she freaks out "yep, I thought you'd like it" she then stares deep into my eyes and I start to get butterflies as she basically eye fucked me.

After we finished eating I took Emily back to barden and I walked her to the Bella house keeping an eye out for the boys just in case they try to harm Emily again, as we got to the door knowing the Bellas are probably asleep Emily wanted me to hang out for a bit and was wondering if it would be a good idea and then she gave me the puppy dog eyes and I just couldn't resist it so we snuck up to Emily's room then closed the door. we sat on the bed and talk to each other for a while "so do you want to do" I said as I put my hand on Emily's "well, we didn't finish what we were doing in the restroom, didn't we?" Emily said with a devious smile and at the moment I got the butterflies again then I whispered "no, no we didn't" then she grabs my head and pulled our lips together and before I knew what is happening, I feel Emily's tongue go into my mouth. We made out for a good 10 minutes then Emily slowly grabbed my boobs through my shirt and that instantly made my nipples hard so soon after I did the same to her. I then went from kissing her lips to her neck, I lightly brushed my teeth across her neck and at one spot she moaned a little so I went back to that spot and kissed and sucked on it which made Emily moan a little louder. As things got more freaky Emily took off my shirt then started to kiss my chest and she was getting closer and closer to my breasts.

I then took off her shirt to see some more of Emily's beautiful flesh. When Emily got to my bra she took it off then straight away she put one of my nipples in her mouth then massaged the other and that made me moan a little, while she was doing that I took off her bra then massaged her breats and when I felt her nipples I felt they were already hard so I lift her head up to give her a kiss then went down to her breast then started to suck on one of her nipples which made her start of breath a bit faster so I also put my hand on her thigh and started to dot what I was doing in the restroom. After a while I lifted my head up then started to undo her pants then in one move she slips off her pants to reveal her sexy panties and man that turned me on. We were having an amazing time but then me and Emily heard Skyler knocking on my door "Em are you alright I heard weird noises coming from in there" me and Emily freak out and quickly get dressed while Emily said "ya I'm fine I'm just watching something on my phone sorry ill turn it off now" when me and Emily were dressed we waited till Skyler went back into her room then we ran down stairs to the door, I kissed Emily goodnight then I went home.

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