I Will Miss You

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Emily POV

I wake up to Beca not in sight and a painful head ach so I get up to get some pain killers but then Beca comes in through the front down with a sad look "babe are you alright, whats wrong" Beca looks at me and says "I have to go back to LA tonight, Dj Kahled need me back ASAP" I get a sad look on my face "oh, ok" then I resumed to get my pain killers then Beca hugs me from behind "Em, there are things called long distance relationships" I then turn around to face her and say "but those relationships never last" then I turn back around to swallow my pain killers "Em, as soon as Dj Kahled is ok again ill come back then maybe when you graduate we can move to LA together" I take a second to think about it then I turn around again then give Beca a kiss then say "ok, but you have to be here for my graduation" Beca smiles and says "I promise ill be there" we have another kiss then chloe walks into the room "morning love birds how did yous sleep" we smile at chloe then Beca says " mine was ok but I think Amy is gonna wake up to a cold and a head ach" she then lead me and chloe outside to see Amy on the grass passed so we all laughed then that woke up Amy so she ran inside to get dressed and to try and wash the sharpie off of her face. Once me and Beca had breakfast and I got changed I went back to Beca's.

when we get Beca's I remembered I didn't give Beca her birthday present, Beca noticed I was sad so she said "Em I know you are sad about another thing, whats wrong?" I look at her and say "I didn't get to give you your birthday present" she walks up to me and say "hey, when we finish up me and you can go back to the house then you and give it to be, how about that" I smile as Beca gazes into my eyes which ensures me that everything is going to be ok "ok well we better get packing then if you want me to give you your very special birthday present" Beca then smiles at me then laughs a bit then we get to packing.it took a hour to pack then we went to the Bellas house so I can give her the present but when we get there we see that the campus police was there so we go in the see what was going on. The second we walk through the door the police point at beca and says "there she is, Beca Mitchell you are under arrest for the beat up of David and Mathew" they then grab Beca then started to drag Beca to the police car "Beca!" I say as I see then leave the house "Em!, don't worry I get out I promise, I love you!" I stare at her with tears and say "I love you too!" then they drive away with beca. I spent the rest of the morning thinking about how she can get out and then the idea came to me, I run to the kitchen to see Beca left her phone here so I scolled through her contacts till I came across Dj Kahled then I called him.

Dj Kahked "yo beca you on your way?"

Emily "um its not Beca"

Dj Kahled "then who this?"

Emily "its beca's girlfriend, listen beca is in troble and I need your help!"

Dj Kahled "dang I never knew beca was into girls, what happened and don't tell me it is another hostile situation"

Emily "no it isn't, beca got put in jail, I thought since you are pretty powerful maybe you can bale her out"

Dj Kahled "I would do anything for my becstar! I'm on my way"

Emily "thanks Kahled see you when you get here"

Dj Kahled "be there in a bit later"

After a hour passes I here a knock coming from the door I open the door to see Dj Kahled "yo you must be Emily" I stare with a smile cause help had finally arrived "yes that is me thank you so much for coming!" I let him in then he say "anything for my girl's girl, so wheres beca being kept" we then rushed out the door to his limo then we made our way to the station. when we walked in everyone stared then we walked up to a police officer then Kahled said "yo I'm here for Beca Mitchell" he just stared wide eyed and said " um Ill go get her". After ten minutes of waiting we see Beca walking out with the police man then me unlocked her hand cuffs then let her go then she ran to me and gave me a big hug "Em!, did you call Kahled to bale me out, so sweet" then we kissed "yo Beca, did you do to get yourself locked up?" we look at him then she said "these boys were marassing Emily so I kicked their asses" he laughed then said "you go girl, come on you ready to come back?" she then stared at me then said "no not yet Emily still has something she wants to show me" I smile at her cause she remember I still had to give the present.

Beca POV

When we got to the Bellas house me and Emily ran straight up to Emily's room so she can give me my present. Me and Emily went into Emily's room then she closed the door behind us then she went to her bed then pulled something out from under her bed, it was a box. Emily opened the box and pulled out a USB and a peace of paper then she went to her desk and opened up her laptop and stuck the USB into it then I saw there we 2 files on the USB, I noticed one of the file's name, it was the colab me and her were working on. she kicked on that file then the song started playing "I finished the colab, lucky I watch carefully at how the do things on the lunch pad" I smiled at her then a tear dropped from my face cause I was proud of Emily leaning my pation "good job em. so whats the other file?" she went out of the song then went onto the other file called 'OH MY LOVE' I know she named that herself cause Emily is one of the most cheesiest people that I know but I loved that about her. She went onto the file and a song started play then she sang what was on the paper

Emily "you shout it out but I cant hear a word you say

I sure would like some sweet company but I'm leaving tomorrow what do you say

shorty get down good lord, baby got em open all over town

so I put my hands up to play my song the butterflies flying away

so this time baby ill be bulletproof

I was thinking bout you thinking bout me thinking bout us what we gonna be I open my eyes and it was only just a dream

wont you come see about me, dancing you know it baby

they say you're a freak when we're having fun

I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up four wheel drive

you got me so wild how can I ever deny

2 bottles of wiskey for the way

so when tomorrow comes ill be on my own feeling frightened of the thing that I don't know

its getting late to give you up I took a sip from my devil cup

come on come on turn the radio on its Friday night and I wont be long

you're the one good thing that I got"

I then realise all of the sentences she used for her song are sentences from all of the songs I have sang in the past from when I was singing in the shower with chloe to singing freedom after Dj Kahled chose me to open for him, but how did she know the first few songs, she didn't got to barden then "wow, em, I love" Emily smiles at me then says "well I got chloe to help me a little with the first few songs" well that explains it "oh my god, em I love it, so creative, thank you" then I kiss Emily and that kiss went on for what seemed like forever then Kahled knocked on the door then let himself in "Beca, we gotta get goin, we can stop by your place to get your stuff then we gotta head to my private jet come on" I stop kissing Emily to listen to what he had to say then I look back at Emily and she was sad, I was too, I wont be able to see her for a while so I invited her to drive me to my place then the air port insead of going the Kahled. thought it would be a good way to say goodbye.

Emily POV

We stopped at Beca's house then she quickly ran up to get her stuff then we headed to the airport. When we got there, it was too hard to say goodbye. I helped her get her stuff out of the trunk then I gave one big kiss "ill miss you, so so much" I say as I start to cry "ill miss you too, don't worry ill call the plane lands, I promise" Beca says as she gives a warm hug, I will really miss those. As we move out of the hug Kahled calls out "yo Beca you ready?" she turns to him and says "not yet ill be there in a sec" so she turns back to me and gives me one more soft, passionate kiss then she picked up her bag then went to Kahled. As I started to drive away, I started to cry even more I mean who knows when she'll be back, she did promise to come back for my graduation but that's still 4 months away and I don't know if I can handle not being around Beca for that long. I just hope she comes back sooner then 4 months.

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