The Day After

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Catarina hadn’t seen Magnus since she left the lounge. She figured him and his new mundie friend left to head back to his apartment. It seemed very odd to her that Magnus was with a mundane, but perhaps she had the Sight or something. Shrugging it off, she continued dancing with Elian.

A loud gong sounded amidst the dancing. Elian grabbed her hand, as everyone around them froze. Catarina followed their gazes to a balcony above the faerie band, who had stopped playing their hypnotic music. On the balcony stood a woman with red hair flowing down to her lower back. She was dressed in a dazzling white dress, which seemed to glow in the dim light of the club.

"Good evening, my fellow Downworlders," she began. "I have called you all here tonight to discuss an urgent matter. We all know that New Accords have just been signed, which many of us are unhappy with. All our fay friends have been wrongly punished because their Queen was deceived by Sebastian Morgenstern. But is that any reason for each and every one of them to be punished? And now because of these New Accords, some of our privileges have been revoked."

Elian leaned down and whispered into Catarina's ear, "I don’t like the sound of this. Maybe we should get out of here."

She nodded, and the two of them began discreetly moving towards the exit as the red-headed woman continued. "For centuries we have lived under the Nephilim's harsh rule. What makes them greater than us? Why are we forced to live in desolance and secrecy, while they live in glorious Institutes and in the beautiful lands of Idris? We should not be below them. We should be equals. But all attempts at diplomacy have failed." A murmur rushed through the crowd. "Who will join me, in a quest to regain our rights, as we take the mighty Shadowhunters down from their gold-encircled thrones, that we might return from centuries of suffering? Who will join me?"

An uproar of battle cries escaped from the crowd as Elian pushed through the mass of people, Catarina following. Bodies rushed forward, sucking Catarina back with them.

"Catarina," Elian cried out.

"Go, tell Magnus. I'll find another way out," she managed to yell before the crowd consumed her.

Right before Elian went back through the tunnel, he turned and saw the red-headed woman raise her hands, orange sparks flying.


Emilia was walking down a familiar path, near her childhood home. Jace was beside her, holding her hand. As they continued on, a lake came into view. He led her down to the lakeside, showing her around.

"I love you Emily," he said as they stopped on the small, white sand beach.

"I love you too, Jace."

The sunset reflected off his face, making it look angular and sharp. He leaned down and kissed her gently. When she opened her eyes, horror struck her. Jace was gone, a black form taking his place. It threw her onto the sand, red eyes burning. She heard a voice calling her name from the distance.

"Emilia! Emilia!"

Suddenly the world seemed to be sucked away into darkness.


She shot straight out of her bed. Glancing around her, she noticed she was in the infirmary of the Institute, Jace clinging to her shoulders. "Are you alright?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"I'm fine," she replied, rubbing her forehead. A pounding pain ripped through her head. "What happened last night? How did I end up here?"

He let go of her shoulders. "You went to a party with Magnus. He said you made him take you. When you got there, you went to dance with him and became under the influence of faerie drugs. See?" He brushed his fingers along her cheek then showed her; they were covered in a silvery substance.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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