[Chapter 1] = Past (Part 1)

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       I sat in the cage. Not here again. I might as well let it happen I mean there's no reason to try to stop it. I've learned.
       "My puppet~" He sang from the other room. You could hear his long nails dragging a crossed the hollow, white walls. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Get out! I scrambled from where I was in the cage. Ha! You really thought you could hide didn't you? He always found you. Then and now. "Little puppet~" I began to panick. That song he started to sing. A ritual for when his requests began. The beatings began.
       "Little puppet, little puppet~ play the master's game~" He sang his voice clear as crystals in the sun on a summer day. "Little puppet, little puppet~ won't you come and play?~" He sang another line with a bang into a wall. His wooden baseball bat in hand. The baseball bat was made of wooden spikes and nails. "Little puppet, little puppet~ don't disobey~" The last words rang out of his mouth with a shiver down my spine. The bat sounded like a corpse being dragged acrossed the floor. He stood outside the door. My heart beat started to quicken and I choked on my breath. I covered my mouth to quiet myself. He rattled the door knob. Since when was it locked? I should've never done that.
        His voice started to boom. It rang threw the halls and down into my bones. It rattled every one of them. "Little puppet, little puppet~ put that frown away~!" He screamed hitting the door once, twice, three times. It was out of a horror movie you would think. This was reality and reality wasn't kind. He said the last line of the eerie song. "come to the show of fun where we smile and have fun~ and fake you'r smiles for your master every day~" His voice now quiet and soft. The door knob on the other side could be heard hitting the floor. He pushed the door. It opened without a fight left in it. His smirk could kill if he wanted. Those dark, midnight eyes looking down at me with anger. "Why'd you hide, P u p p e t" He smirked walking to me. "I-I'm s-sorry! I meant t-to come to y-you, Sir." His anger cutting me off before I could explain. He picked up the cage and threw it at a wall. The mirror wall. The wall he drawled his insults. The mirror I looked in everyday and he stood behind whispering them in my ears. The time biggest word. "Weak" I am weak. I am worthless. I am pathetic. I am useless. He will find me. He will kill me and when he does... I'll be the last one he kills. I'll be ready. I'll kill him first. I slowly come back to what was going on. I was in the neighbor's bedroom. The mirror wall connected with theirs. I was in a ball in my respective cage. I did not have a name that I knew of. I was as the called me
Case #413DES
         I never asked as to why they called me that. He told me that I was an experiment. I never believed him. I tried to believe it was all a lie. All of it. Humanity couldn't be that cruel. Surely this so called God would give me a break. Right? Wrong. Your birthday, he laughed. He made it such a big deal he would sing. Happy birthday.. Over and Over and Over. He started calling me his kitten. Then his bunny. Then his bird. He would laugh and run his hands threw my blood coated hair. Originally a beautiful white... Now a bloody red. I don't know where the blood came from. He did his ritual he did every month. He gave me a shot. I passed out and I woke up in my bedroom well 'bedroom' the next morning. I had a computer to connect with others. I was aloud it but if I told anyone he would take it. I never told. I was only aloud it when I was in the living room. He watched me. I knew he did. I talked to my friends for a while until he started screaming. I would leave and wouldn't talk to them for maybe 6 weeks. Everything was different on my birthday. I woke up... Like normal but I couldn't see. I went to the light switch and turned it on.. Before that I realized my red eyes glowed dully in the dark. Blood red. The pupils slightly pointed towards the top and the bottom. I flicked the light switch. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to die. I was so confused and scared.
        Trailing behind me was a white cat tail. It was white fading to orang and ending in the color blood red. Like my eyes... I looked up to see cat ears. They twitched and flattened. I lost it. I was done. I screamed. The loudest I've ever screamed. But the words that came out. "Help me" Two simple words that set of an entire building of people. One by one they called Child Protective Services. Then the police. They showed up and with no questions, handcuffed the man who had taken and adopted me. The man who called himself my master. The man who called me his puppet. I haven't spoken hardly at all since. It's been three weeks. I've been staying at a hospital.

{Oh the lovely chapter of first. Tell me your thoughts. If I wrote this well or not - The creepy writer, Echo ❤⚠}

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