[Chapter 2] = Present (Part 1)

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We will now be the famous, Derrick Strider or now known as Bro Strider-

    I woke up from a consistent ringing from my phone. "Ughhhhhhhhh" I groaned. "Bro answer your damn phone!" Dirk yelled. "Fuck youuuu" I groaned. I grabbed the phone. "Yo?" I said completely exhausted. It was late afternoon. "Good afternoon, Derrick?" I sighed. So god damn formal. "Ya, it's Bro." I sighed. "Well hello. We need you to come to Houston." She says into the phone. "Why?" I asked putting it on speaker. "We have a person who we know is your brother. His name is David Elizabeth Strider." My eyes widened. "U-Um where did you find him? H-He's been gone for 14 years." I stuttered. "We found him in an apartment building under the name Mr. V. He had taken and adopted David." I felt like throwing up. "O-okay we'll be there soon."


       I was sitting in the police station kicking my feet as I sat in a chair half my height. I was wearing pitch black sunglasses. My hair was messy and clean now. It was long and covered my eyes. I pushed it to the side with my shades. My cat ears twitched and my tail swayed. I was wearing a oversized red hoodie and skinny jeans. I had on red converse. I got these after stealing from my master. I never understood why I call him that but I didn't know his real name. I had stitches and bruises. They didn't notice my self harm. I was on medication now though. I frowned and curled into a ball.
       I don't know why I'm here. They won't say. I stayed curled in a ball. "David?" I heard a voice. My ears twitched to signal I am listening. "Your brothers are here." I looked up and tilted my head to the side. 'Brothers?' I said inside my head. I signed to her. 'Brothers? I don't have brothers.' I signed, panicked. "Calm down, sweetie." She said, softly. 'I don't wanna go. I don't wanna. I wanna go back. Master's gonna be mad. I need to go back. He'll kill me.' I started panicking and I couldn't breathe. She pulled me into a hug. I flinched... Hug... I've never been hugged before... I wrapped my arms around her and held onto her shirt just barely. She smiled. "Okay, sweetie. Everything's gonna be okay. I'm friends with your brother, D. He's nice and so are your other brothers." I whimper but nod. She stands up straight and grabs my hand. I held onto her two fingers and follow behind her. I was starting to trust her. I wanted to talk. I wanted to hug her. I wanted her to take me with her. I didn't want to be with these so called brothers.
        One of them bent down to my height. I squeaked and jumped back, hiding behind her. She sighed. "He's kind of scared...." She rested her hand on my head. I flinched but calmed down and she started petting my head. I calmed down and muzzled her hand. "Hey buddy? You wanna go home?" I perked up and looked up at him. I wanted to go somewhere besides here. He had anime shades. I pointed at him. He pointed at himself. "I'm Bro." I pointed at the next one. He pointed at himself. "I'm D." I smiled and signed. 'D for dick' He chuckled. "I guess bud." He smirked. I pointed to the next one. He looked like Bro. "I'm Dirk. I'm your twin." My eyes widened behind my shades. I raised an eyebrow. 'Okay, I wanna go home...' I signed. They all smile softly. "Well let's go." Bro smirks.

{Here's the second chapter, my creepy babes. 0-0
I love you all! ⚠Triggers are lovely⚠ -The creepy writer, Echo.}

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