[Chapter 3] = Present (Part 2)

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Dave Strider-

       I sat on my bed. I grabbed my backpack and grab my new laptop. The laptop model was only a year old. It was insanely new. I turned it on and signed in. I hacked into the WiFi. I sign on to Pester chum. I went into the group chat.
TG has signed in..
TG has signed into the group chat
[EB]: tg your back!!!!!
[TG]: mhm
[TT]: Where have you been, may I ask?
[TG]: which one is this
[TT]: The guy.
[TG]: oh cool
[TT2]: Let me guess. TG is back after what 4 months?
[TG]: ya sorry um he took my laptop
[TT]: Who is it? You have never told us.
[TG]: my master
[EB]: master?
[TG]: ya he got arrested i think... um what does arrested mean
[TT]: They go too a place for bad people. Some for a very very long time.
[TG]: oooh cool i guess
[TT]: How did you not know what that was?
[TG]: mmm first time outside of house
[TT]: Ever?
[EB]: you've never been outside?
[TG]: nope as the lady put it i was kidnapped now i live with my brothers i guess
[TT]: Is your name Dave?
[TG]: yes..
[TT]: It's Dirk.
[EB]: Lemme guess. Brothers?
[TG]: i guess
[TT2]: I had my suspicions.
[TT]: Go to sleep, David.
[TG]: no
[TT2]: I'm Rose by the way and EB is John. Anyway, David it's bedtime go to sleep.
[TG]: im not a little kid!
[EB]: David. Bed. Now.
[TT]: We all have school tomorrow.
[TG]: fine
TG signed off...
TG signed off from the group chat...

          I pouted at the screen. I'm not a little kid. I signed off and started to play on my laptop. Dirk came in and crossed his arms. He raised a eyebrow. His amber eyes looking down at me. "What did I say, David?" I pouted at him. "Do you want me to take your laptop?" I whimper. "n-n-no" I stuttered. He walked over and turned it off. He gave me a pair of sweats and let me change then came back in. He picked me up and made me lay down. He then covered me and smiled. He kissed my forehead. "Now it's bedtime. If you don't go to bed I'mma take your laptop and phone." I pouted and hugged him, softly. I rolled over and curled into a ball. I grabbed his hand before he could leave. I whimper and get him to lay down. I curl into his side and wrap my arms around his waist then I close my eyes to fall asleep.


      I layed with my twin, Dave. It's strange to have him around. I'm happy he is though. Even with all he's been through. He still acts like the little kid he was before he disappeared. I ran my hands threw his hair. He started to purr... Awe! He's so Kawaii!

You never succeed in my bidding.
Stupid p u p p e t.
Maybe I should just kill you,
you aren't worth my time,
if you can't do something right.

     I whimper in my sleep and hug Dirk tighter. "Buddy it's okay. It's Dirk. The bad man is gone. You're safe." I Nuzzled his hand as it ran threw my hair. I started to purr louder.

      There's another world that girls only dream about. This place is a reality for some.
     Snow White
     Sleeping beauty
   They're not just fairy tales... If your curiosity gets the best of you. Well I guess you have to wait.

{Hi! So I wanted to say I am so sorry for the short chapter! I didn't know how to really put this one without spoiling the next! Lemme know if you guys want another chapter! There will be one anyway X3 tell me if you guys enjoy this book! ~Echo}

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