chapter 18

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*Maslie's Pov*

So Alexxis and Olivia had to leave so Hayes and I were going to hangout like we talked about earlier. As we were walking hayes told me that Will was back and I was really happy. I haven't seen him in almost 2 years I believe. Him and Nash have always been like my older brothers. Especially Will because Paige(if you don't remember who that is it's Maslie's sister) and him had a little thing going on. We walked in and sat on the couch. We talked for a little. It was really quiet. Nobody was here Nash and Will were off doing their own thing and Elizabeth was off at work. We had the whole house to ourselves. We got bored so we decided to watch a movie and play our favorite game. We decided to watch the Lorax (insert you favorite game here lol). We got some blankets and a couple of pillows out. I had this great idea to make a fort like we used to do all the time when we were in 4th grade.

"WE SHOULD MAKE A FORT!!" I said excitedly.

"Like we used to when we kids?"

"Yes exactly like that!" We grabbed chairs and started building it. It was really tall and we had a pole in the middle to make it stand up. We grabs some Christmas lights and put them around the edges of the inside. We grabbed his tv and a little table thing to hold it up. We put a few more pillows and a couple of blankets on the floor to make a pallet. He put the movie in as I got under the blanket. The movie began and he laid down next to me. We laid there and talked for a few minutes while the credits played.

"You know I really missed you Maslie?" He said in the most serious tone. "I tried to move on, I tried dating other girls but all I could think about was you. I even called them Maslie a few times." He chuckled.

"I missed you too Hayes. I just felt we needed to take a break for a while you kept hurting me. Every time I would think about you my heart would ache and I would cry. I missed our friendship, I missed.. Us.. I just wanted to be with you but I knew it would be right. So I had to try and date other people and change my look." I said almost in tears.

"Do you think we will ever be the same? Do you think there will ever be an us again?"

"I don't know, Hayes. It just depends."

"I've changed A LOT, Maslie! I've realized what it means to actually care about someone."

"I know. I can tell." I said turning my face towards the tv to avoid him from seeing me blush.

"You know your cute when you blush..." He said trying not make things awkward,but still did.

"Umm I think I should go now..."

"No please don't leave! I'm sorry I won't do it again. I promise. It was an accident. I just thought you should know the truth." He said looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes giving the puppy dog look.

"Uhh.. Fine. But only cuz I can't say no to your eyes. And I miss my best friend."

"Yay!!" He cheered. "Wanna play a game?"

"Sure wanna play truth or dare?"

"Okay you go first. I pick truth."

"Is it true that you and you and Jake hooked up?" He said looking me dead in the eyes. I think the thought of it made him sad.

"No! Who told you that! The furthest we went was making out!"

"Oh those were the rumors going around."

"Well they aren't true! I would never do that! I'm saving it for when I'm married! Anyways truth or dare?"


"Ok I dare you to do something spontaneous! Something crazy something you have been waiting to do. Whatever it is you do I promise not to tell anyone!" We sat there waiting for him to do something but he just sat there thinking. All of the sudden he said something.

"Ok well something I've been want to get off my chest for a while now.. Maslie I have never stopped loving you! You are my soul mate! I've never been depressed in my life. But when we stopped hanging out a few months ago I became really sad. So sad Nash couldn't even bring me out of the funk. I didn't realize that I really needed you this bad when we stopped hanging out the 1st time but this time I do! So yea I'm not afraid to say it anymore! I Love you Maslie Grace Sears!" He said very innocently. He stared into my eyes his blue orbs focused on mine. I leaned in so did he. We kissed passionately for a about 30 seconds and pulled away.

"I-I love you too Hayes! I always have and always will!" For the rest of the night we laid there on the floor cuddling in each other's arms. I'm glad I have my best friend back.

*next day*

I woke up in Hayes's arms under our fort. I checked my phone it was only 8:30 so I let him sleep.


My phone started vibrating. I looked at the notification it was a text from Jake.

Jake: hey are we still hanging out today?

Omg I totally forgot I had a boyfriend. I got caught up in being with Hayes!

Me: uhh I can't today! I'm sorry. But we really need to talk. How bout tomorrow at the mall around 12:30?

Jake: umm okay sounds cool.

I laid back down next to Hayes and wrapped my arms around his torso.


A/n: hey guys sorry that I haven't updated in like forever been super busy! So I think I might start doing a QOTD thing and like where I need 5 likes for a new chapter! I just feel like you guys do like this story. So if you guys like it please like it and tell others about it.

QOTD: are you on summer break and do you like this story?

MA: no I'm not on summer break and I enjoy writing it but idk if I like it 😬

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