Chapter 1

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Got inspired to do a magic/vampire AU, as there's not enough of them in the fandom and they are my favorite sub-genre. Here is chapter one, hope you like it!


The streets of the city were alive even though daylight was long gone. Flashy signs lit up the sky, impatient drivers laid on their horns, and people walked to and from their destinations, adding to the hustle and bustle that came with the territory.

Behind all the noise and chaos in a dark alley, a lone car sat with its engine purring softly, headlights turned off to keep the area dark. Regina Mills sat in the driver's seat of the car, drumming her painted fingernails against the steering wheel as she waited with her head propped on her hand.

In front of her, a metal door stood out from the wooden bricks, a red glow above it illuminating from a bright neon sign. A stray cat howled from somewhere nearby and the rhythm of feet hitting the pavement drifted into Regina's finely tuned ears.

She hated the city. The sights, the noise, especially the smell. It was pure chaos and anxiety-inducing, and she wanted nothing more than to be back in the small quiet town that was Storybrooke. Unfortunately, every year she was forced to travel from Storybrooke to the city, and every year she hated it more.

It didn't help that she never traveled alone outside of the city. She was always forced to drag along another for the ride, delaying her trip home even further thanks to certain... demands that needed to be attended to.

The door finally opened, revealing two silhouetted figures underneath the reddish glow. Regina sat up, hand on the gearshift as she impatiently revved the engine. An irritated growl escaped her throat as she watched one figure pin the other against the wall. Surprised cries came from the pinned figure before he slumped down the wall in exhaustion.

Regina flicked on the headlights, satisfied at the annoyed hiss received from doing so. The passenger door slammed open and Regina quickly inhaled and held her breath, unwilling to allow her cravings to take control over her. She cast an irritated glare to the woman beside her and was met with an equally irritated stare.

"You couldn't have let me finish my meal, could you?"

"I'm sure you've had enough already to last you a year." Regina handed the woman a Kleenex and averted her eyes from blood-stained lips.

The woman merely smacked her lips and offered her a word of thanks as she cleaned her fangs. Zelena Mills was the younger sister to Regina, both women being bred from an extremely successful and wealthy line of vampires from centuries past. Though the two shared the same DNA, they were nothing alike.

Regina Mills was fair-skinned with dark, brunette locks that reached just past her shoulders with chocolate brown eyes. She was the mayor of Storybrooke and relied on her sensible side rather than her instincts. Zelena Mills was a slightly darker skin with red curly hair that reached well past her shoulders, bright blue eyes, and a hunger that was insatiable. She owned many properties of Storybrooke, though she usually left the upkeep and taxes up to her big sister.

To simply put it, Zelena was fire and Regina ice.

"Are you sure you don't want to stop for a quick snack?" Zelena asked as they had just passed the city limits.

Regina took a slow breath, her mouth watering at the mere thought combined with the still lingering scent of human blood on her sister's breath. She imagined the warm, delicious taste of fresh blood sliding down her throat, filling her senses and sending a rush of endorphins to her brain as opposed to the alternative that she stuck to. But she packed down the craving as best she could and forced herself to focus on the road in front of them.

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